Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

Variety is the spice of life, my child. You need to change up your vernacular.

I clearly explained how this is completely different from scamming old people like Bodicca linked, and they handwaved it away.

Being a decent human being is the spice of life, you should probably do us all a favor and leave the community honestly

I don’t scam anyone. But tell me more about how good of a person you are.

Ohhhh, the irony.

I think you need to calm down. You seem a bit unhinged.

Imagine a barrel of apples where the prices were all reasonably similar and then one apple in the barrel costs 1000% percent more but it’s labeled the same way as the rest. That would be a dishonest way to sell apples. One might even say it’s a scam.

Except that apple is clearly listed as costing 1000% more, and you even have to confirm that you want to pay that price before buying it.

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Not unhinged, just the community and also the world would be better without trash can human beings like you in it.

Still a dishonest way to sell goods. And obvious that the only purpose of the overpriced apple, is a ruse to take more money from a customer. It has no extra value for it’s price.

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“you reap what you sow”

Yes, you reap the 2500g you spent on 5 potions. Deal with it.

Oh wow, are you telling me to kill myself now?

No you actually didn’t. Because the comparison made was that of people taking advantage of others. Not all scams include outright lying:

3. Unsolicited Check Fraud

Have you ever received a check in the mail that you weren’t expecting? It could look like a rebate check or a refund for overpayment. Inspect the check thoroughly, paying close attention to any fine print on the front or back. There’s a chance that you are entering into a legally binding contract by signing the check and cashing it. Scammers use tactics like this to get you to authorize memberships, loans and other longer-term commitments that could cost you dearly.

It doesn’t matter that the teeny lettering on the back clearly states the terms of signing, it’s still a scam.

You can do whatever you like, but that is not what I said, you quoted you should know

They involve deceit, and there’s nothing deceitful about the auction house. You get what you pay for every single time.

There’s nothing similar about this and buying something posted on the AH… just lmao

You said the world would be better off without people like me. So are you removing us or are we removing ourselves, huh?

Imagine trying to claim moral superiority while saying sh*t like this.

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The terms are listed. And yet, it’s still considered a scam because the INTENT is to scam.

It’s still a scam because the INTENT is to scam.

There is NO difference. Being scummy and attempting to rip people off doesn’t change simply because it’s done virtually.

Are you okay man? If this is the first place your mind goes, then maybe you should seek professional help. I would prefer to live in a world where people don’t try to justify their terrible behavior. I don’t care what people who choose to be that way do with themselves, but I do believe the world would be a better place if people would just try a little harder to be decent human beings. Also IM not claiming anything. Just pointing out the obvious that you are truly an idiot if you can’t see why this is unethical. I don’t care what anyone else in this forums thinks of me, as long as YOU know I think you’re total trash.

If this gets reversed.

I demand 2k back that I got scammed for.
The 15 flask of the titans my friend got trade swapped on.

And my heart of the oak that m… f… necromancer turned into a iron golem when I was 13!!!

Its a video game
You are going to run into scams.


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I see you’re in this thread making smooth brained posts as well.

I should have known you’d also think someone wearing a blindfold while using the auction house was being scammed.


This shouldn’t have been over a 1k post.

There legit is no reason for it to be.

Just shut it down and move on.

A person got scammed, that person made the mistake by not paying attention.

Its a clear cut of lesson learned. Player can keep playing or just leave the game.


End Thread

Tell you what, since folks cannot deal with MMOs of this maturity level, let’s go ahead and strap on all the training wheels we can, delete all the gore and combat, and call this World of Hello Kitty.

It is obvious some players cannot be adults, own up to their own mistakes, and take it as a lesson learned. No, you need training wheels on to prevent you from making mistakes.

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I should have known you’d also think scummy people are the salt of the earth. God bless 'em!