Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

I mean Blizzard puts gold sinks in the game to get rid of your money. Is it fair to ask for a refund because you spent the 2K gold on the bag in Shat. and then realized you made a mistake?

If it turned out to be a 6 slot bag then yeah it is fair to ask for a refund.

That is not a valid comparison. The item in question was not misrepresented was it. The buyer got exactly what the post was for.

There was no bait and switch here. They saw an auction of injectors at a price of 2500g. There was no deception involved.

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But at the end of the day by doing nothing to compensate the OP you’re just fostering a dog eat dog environment.

well this person isnt whining on the forums either its a person who said he knows a guildie that got scammed. so no whining here just a sob story. also its a HUGE amount. if that happened to me i probably would go to the forums and say maybe they should have some sort of system in place so it wont happen. like retail AH

Sometimes life is hard. If you allow players to just complain and get their mistake corrected, then your actions in-game have zero consequensces.

Then don’t be surprised when the game ends up in the dumps.

This event may be small but it’ll add up and it won’t be a happy ending for the seller.

Well th add ons it’s not at all bad.

This has been happening for over 12 years before the new AH system went in. I think we will be fine

For now.

One day the systematic order of functionality won’t be enough to justify inequality.

When that happens you may find that you’re reasoning was mistaken.

That’s why they eventually changed in retail.

Retail made a lot of bad changes. This wasn’t one of them. It was purely a change to interface and, if implemented in Classic, wouldn’t change the way the game is played whatsoever.

The change to the Professions interface in Retail is another good change they made. Wish we had that right now.

the dishonest part is sneaking it in with a bunch of identical items that are around market price. people are consciously doing this. it is a scheme. and it is a sneaky. in other words, it is a scam.

yeah, except you’re obviously being coy and disingenuous here. so like he said:

How is it “snuck in” exactly?

Is that your definition of a “scam?” Anything that is sneaky or a scheme? That makes a whole bunch widely accepted business practices a scam all of the sudden.

There’s no scam here. There’s a mistake and hopefully, a lesson learned.


TIL that there’s a lot of people who apparently purchase stuff from the AH with a blindfold on.

I think we should probably stop trying to talk sense into these people since they make such stupid decisions.


Yes that is literally the definition of a scam, and yes a lot of shady business practices exist.

Do rogues scam the BGs?

Did the lose the sneak ability in favor of the better “scam” ability……

I’m sorry I can’t help it…… lmao


Hell I doubt actual blind people would pay 900g for a potion. Pay attention dummys.