Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

Ad hominem much.

1/10 for contributing to the discussion.

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-9000/10 for joining the discussion late and posting on a Goblin.

Do you even Classic, bro?

LOL the irony is great with you. You respond with more ad hominem.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yes, I did, very observant of you!

LOL, you do not even have the courage to quote me and actually say you modified the quote.

May I direct you to the quility of your ad hominem arguments:

As you can see, it is the lowest, bottom of the quality pyramid.

Is that so?

Wow, that is mighty big of you to admit that.

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Posts cannot be empty.

Yep. Add in a few bigots, racists, and a heaping spoonful of entitlement and this represents the wow community… AKA toxic AF.

Roger that!

that would get annoying after awhile especially if your buying a tone of one stacks. no solution really. this person got burned big time sucks but crap happens. i think i accidently sold something for 10 silver one time when i meant to put it up for 10 gold. done it like 3 or 4 times through this classic and a long time ago

Yep, it happens, but as a good player you did not go whining to Blizzard to “fix it for you”, did you?

That is where this whole discussion is bugging me. A player makes a mistake and buys something at too high a price (for them) and everyone starts jumping all over Blizzard for not fixing the player’s mistake.

Wouldn’t be the decent thing to do?

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No, the player made a mistake, why should you even expect Blizzard to fix it?

I mean are you asking blizzard to reset a boss enounter because you accidentally clicked the wrong thing, or made a mistake in your rotation?

Are you asking blizzard to refund you your gold because you acidentally chose the blue mount, not the red?

No, the player made a mistake, learn to live with the consequences of that mistake.

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Cause its the humane thing to do?

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So the human thing to do is:

Oh Blizzard, I was not ready to buy the 5000g mount, even though I went to the vendor and spent the money. Refund me.

Except it wasn’t a 5k mount.

It was still a valid and legit purchase with gold.

They did later let you refund items in retail you know.

Though in the OPs case, circumstances are different.