Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

Looking for healing potion injectors does any one have them for a good price?

Why is this still a discussion :joy:

Because it’s their item and that’s what they want to sell it for on a free market

Lol if you fall for such an obvious trick, there is no one to blame but yourself. It literally has a confirmation that asks “Buyout auction for: 2500g”. It’s not a scam just because you didn’t take an extra third of a second to use your eyeballs.


No savvy person would fall for this, right?

Right. Since when is it okay to rip off the stupid, or naive, or ignorant? That’s exactly who schemes and scams and the AH BS is geared toward. It’s not okay.

Wow this thread is still going…

Calling it a scam is going too far… it’s still incredibly scummy.

:rofl: :rofl:

Don’t press CONFIRM on the buyout if the price is not what you want to pay.


Just going to repost this because it’s hilarious and perfectly representative of one side of this argument.

That goes without saying. Someone made a mistake, and that doesn’t answer the question:

Since when is it okay to rip off the stupid, or naive, or ignorant?

When SL first was release there was a weird bug that made the slider move up as you moved your mouse to click buy. So, I went to quickly buy 1 inscription( and double checked I was buying 1 at the price, but instead bought 1 million in inscription scrolls. All of my money bought every inscription until I was out. I lost 200k by very quickly selling all these +crit strike inscriptions, which wasn’t hard because the expansion was new. The slider for buying all scrolls until out of money moved up shaded all in from the mouse movement to click buy.

The point is, I don’t think this is the first time weak auras has been used this way? I don’t even have weak auras on Classic.

This isn’t remotely similar to the situation at hand. Like, not even close.

Read what you’re buying before you buy it. There was no deception here.

This is the perfect tactic, hopefully more people will start trying this.

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This is how they become NOT stupid, naive, and ignorant - assuming they’ve got the native intelligence to learn from their mistakes.

Note: “Their” mistakes - twice confirming a bad price is pretty much a goof on the part of the buyer.

Agreed, they got to learn, but let’s not act like what the seller did was some public service. It’s a scummy tactic, period.

Yes it is. It’s someone taking advantage of another person.

Everyone knows that. A mistake was made. People aren’t infallible. Making a mistake doesn’t mean you deserve to be ripped off.

This is a scheme. It’s a scheme designed around the possibility that someone will be in a hurry or tired or naive, or yes, even stupid. Obviously listing an item with a starting bid 10X less than it’s worth and a buy out of 100X more than it’s worth is done with the hopes of ripping someone off. It’s not okay.

Getting ripped off is actually a GOOD thing. Really.

How does one learn empathy? Perhaps it would be a good thing for you to lose something to a scammer so you can learn that lesson.

No one is denying that. Why keep bringing it up? It’s IRRELEVANT to the fact that the seller doing this is NOT OKAY.

It’s not remotely similar. Those scams involve actual deceit. Lies. False advertising. Pretending to be the energy company threatening to turn someone’s power off unless they “pay their bill” by buying a $500 Walgreen’s card is not remotely the same as listing an item for a price and having someone buy it after confirming the price twice. There’s nothing false or deceitful about the auction house.

That’s your opinion. Many of us are of the opinion that if you fall for something so obvious, it’s your own damn fault.

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Lying to someone in order to get them to pay for something that doesn’t even exist


Posting something at a clearly listed price, and having someone agree to pay that price for that thing

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And the opinion of any decent person.

It’s not okay to rip people off.

Ah yes, anyone that disagrees with me is not a good person. Classic.