Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

You cannot justify a potion being worth that much.

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Hey, it is not your place to decide what other people value their time and goods for. If that person felt his/her particular injectors were worth 2500g, that is their right. Just as it is your right to not buy them at that price.


How so? The buyer agreed to the price. There was no deceit.

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All I will say is all you guys that are posting these nonsense auctions shouldn’t get upset when you get in trouble for it. It’s coming.

It doesn’t have to be worth that much to sell for that much. The buyer should have checked the price and value before making the purchase.

What are you gonna do about it, big man.

What about consumer rights, if we’re to start getting technical?

Illiegal how? The price was clearly displayed and the buyer even got a popup message asking them if they were sure. So how was this illegal or underhanded?

The seller was upfront and clear about the price and the buyer was given that price and even asked a second time if they were sure.


I accidently out up soul dust for 3g per dust instead of per stack. Someone read it wrong and I ended up with 300g. I felt bad but enjoyed the payday ngl lol. That was a completely unintentional on my part though. I was super broke and it paid for my epic ground mount lol. But couple 100g is a diff ballpark to 2k.

Its a dick move but I wouldn’t consider it a “scam”. Malicious intent and relies on the consumer to be unattentive. Sucks though big time. I agree with others, AH addon. Who wants to sift through all the pages anyways, not moi.

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The consumer had the right not to make the purchase after seeing the price and then once again having to confirm the purchase.


Well one we are talking about the game environment.

This game is international. In some countries this can be punished by death. So let’s start putting people to death because I’m some countries they do that?

You want to take a micro environment and compare with a macro?

That’s gonna get into arguments of the definition of what is is.

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What consumer rights, show me that in the EULA.

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I think the consumer has a right to a fair deal.

This was anything but in this case.

Again, show me these consumer AH rights in the EULA.

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So we just start advertising Warcraft as a haven for free market scamming then?

And here comes the Drama Queen part of the discussion.

No its the end result if your argument is valid and the developers do nothing to rectify the situation.

Read TOS. You don’t have much protection. The seller though is very well protected.

The developers have. It’s the popup confirmation window you see before you buy the item. Sorry but you are given two oppotunities to not buy it, if you cannot be bothered to read, no amount of development or programming is going to fix it.

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We don’t need to go that far but doing nothing would be unacceptable and send players the wrong kind of message.