Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

Interesting to see people complain about Price Gouging. This is where understanding basic economics and how humans are motivated by incentives come in. (Not really related to this AH scam or no scam, but still useful to understand how humans are a function of prices)

Lets say theres a famine/power outage, w/e crisis you can think of happening in some large space of area. These people do not have access to food/generators or w/e in their area.

Now lets say somebody from outside of that area decides to purchase some food/generators from their area at the normal market price and brings it over to said area that is suffering from a famine/power outage and then raises the price to sell to them.

Now to you anti price gougers, you would consider this a bad thing. But if you actually think about it, they are providing a service that these people may or may not be willing to pay for. Sure they would pay higher price, but if they decide to do so, who are you to judge them? What would have happened if you had an anti price gouging law stopping this from happening?

Simple. You wouldnt have had people bringing over extra food/generators to begin with. Because the seller of the goods wouldn’t have had a self interest motive in taking the time and effort to move those goods around to the people who needed them. So now NOBODY gets the benefit of having those items, even the people who would’ve gladly paid the higher price to begin with. So essentially you ruined more people under an anti price gouging law than if you didnt have it to begin with. Just a food for thought

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I have a local competitor who has higher prices on the exact things I sell in my shop.

I hear people come in see the exact item they bought for $10-30 more (my prices being lower because I deal in volume). They then all say “well damn it, I should have googled prices first”

Never heard anyone claim to have been scammed.


Yeah some people are just more willing to accept personal responsibility.

It sucks when it happens but it’s an important lesson to be learned. If you care about your money act like it – research prices, double check prices, etc.

It’s on you to do your due diligence in a free market economy.


Umm…that’s really elaborate.

But in all reality all we really want is to be able to sort the AH by bid and buyout simultaneously.

That’s all.


Get an add on. Plenty of them do this.

Stop crying scam when what you really want is better search features…. In a 15 year old game……


well OP (original poster) tell your guildie/friend that its better to get scammed in a video game then in real life. crap happens but this is just imaginary play money. if i was on that server and guild i probably would donate like 400 gold to make up for her loss. i actually have like 6000 play money on me right now

Oh no I wasnt disagreeing or anything, Ive only read the first 100 or so posts.

I just saw some comments about Price Gouging in the real world, and people automatically assuming its a negative, without understanding the actual benefit it brings to when it comes to a scarce resource, whether it be something important like food/power, or something as miniscule as a ticket to a football game.

Obviously in relation to this whole AH scam or no scam thing, it didnt have much relevance Im afraid heh

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It’s really just a matter of how the AH interface is designed. Some people take advantage of the fact that you can sort by lowest bid but not by lowest buyout. This means higher buyouts can be mixed in the search results which then lead to some people being caught unawares when they think they’re buying something at a lower price.

I explain it in better detail here:

Be careful you are starting to make since… are you sure the AH exists? So far you didn’t know and refuse to accept the existence of TOS, what add on are, the fact that the AH has a “are you sure” button before buying.

Just recapping your position on this issue. Oh and you think the AH and it’s sellers are scammers due to lack of TOS and in game mechanics disagreeing with you.

its perfectly legal but its shady as hell. i would actually never do this since i would feel like a pig if someone actually fell for it. some people dont care i guess. good way to make money by being a dirty little rat lol

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If you agree to the terms, it’s not a scam.

I’m a rat and I’m with that…. Apparently… I think those that do identify as rats would take issue with being called dirty, only because some species of rats are very hygienic…. Lmao… JK…

Seriously though, I have zero issue with it myself.

Why are you arguing with yourself?

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Really the only answer to this nonsense is the Modern Auction House. It takes care of all those fools putting a single item up at a time, and the sleazy dirtbags scamming people with low bid high buyouts.


I don’t agree that it’s a scam but I do agree the practice ends if we modernize the AH features etc…

So the dishonest seller just walks away with 2500g?

Seems like a pretty crappy thing to do.


Fixed it for you. It’s not dishonest as the price is clearly visible and you had to click the box asking if you wanted to buy.

Not gonna judge your opinion about it but it is not dishonest. Maybe we can call it an untruth?

Tell south Americans it’s just play money. No empathy at all.

Why are we discussing semantics when the seller still walks away clean for doing something that could easily be seen as illegal or unhanded in most other environments?

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What was he dishonest about? He posted his item for 2500g for all to see. Someone made the choice to buy it. No dishonesty involved. It wasn’t like the buyer for home and inside the box was a Chinese knockoff potion. He got what he paid for.