Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

I think what annoys me about this argument is that no one gives 100% of their attention 100% of the time. Hell I’ve made mistakes far bigger than wasting virtual currency in a video game. People make mistakes, it’s just part of life and they do have to live with them.

That’s what the scheme relies on more than anything. There’s thousands of people checking out the AH daily and buying stuff up. That’s thousands of variables and what the seller needs is just one of those to slip up. That’s all it takes to hit payday so realistically his odds are in his favor. Maybe you’re groggy and just woke up, maybe you’re gaming away late at night, or maybe you’ve had a few too many Not sure how often they succeed in it, but it’s obviously enough to make them keep doing it and with such a high payout I mean really one hit a month is plenty.

After we move past the mistake the person made and past all the bickering of what this is (apparently it is neither a scam nor a scheme) the next question to ask is if there is anything that could be done to make the system better for your average user.

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Dude I have no idea what you’re going on about. You’re the one who continually insulted people’s intelligence.

Auctionhouse isn’t setup in a way where a scam is possible. You see what your buying before you CHOOSE to accept the purchase.


It is what it is no ones getting their gold back lol time to make better decisions. Let them stay mad.


It is possible, but then you just go right back into the “stupid people” thing when someone shows you how it is a scam.

Then you repeat yourself again because if you repeat something enough times, eventually it becomes the truth.

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I can tell this gives you nightmares lol

In all honesty it’s the gullible/greedy/stupid people that allows scams to take place in the first place.

The fact that some people are saying “You’re just dumb if you fall for this” sort of highlights how it is a scam.

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It’s not a scam. The seller used the AH for its intended purposes and used the AH system completely legitimately.

If it was such a scam it wouldn’t be done anymore. At this point you’re talking about nothing with lots of words. Blizzard would have done something years ago lol.

Oh yeah, I made that point earlier too:

Oh, and here’s something else:

Let me narrow something down:

And a little more…

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absolutely not true. i play ultima online and people have lost years worth of in game wealth from a single scam. it happens relatively often.

I think it’s becoming quite clear what the level of intelligence is amongst the “iTs NoT a ScAm” crowd.

What makes you say that?

They did over in Retail.

I can’t say with 100% certainty, buy other than cries for demands for a more robust AH in general this practice with low bids/high buyouts wasn’t something that was seen in the early days.

Wait, go back to the part where he uses “your” instead of “you’re” when describing dumb people.

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Totally said that I also do do this. Somehow admitting I do this very action (an action I don’t think is a scam but admit to doing everyday) means I denied doing it.

Just to be clear I do do this and I take advantage of people who refuse to read pricing, click buy, and then confirm that they want to buy…. Yeah I do do that. Thanks for the donating your gold to my continuing efforts to make more gold.

I know you admitted to doing it. Now admit it is a dishonest and sneaky scam.

sucks and would be cool where there was at least a maximum of 10 gold from bid to buyout but a lot of people do that stuff for higher bid on items. still tho i almost fall for scams like that myself … have to really look


the fact that you got 103 likes is disturbing lol, no empathy i guess

There’s nothing dishonest about it. The price is listed really clearly.

This is no different from selling something overpriced on Ebay. If the buyer chooses to buy it before checking the price and researching, that’s on the buyer.

This is how a free market works.

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I already said I do not think it’s dishonest. Stop telling me how to think.

I will however, admit that it is sneaky, but, only In so much as people continue to purchase without reading.

I fell for this once about 15 years ago and said “hey that’s a good idea to make gold”.

a lot of dirty little goblins on some of these servers. little evil money boogers