Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

Here you go now equating ignorance with mentally challenged or disabled persons.

You both are disgusting people. You think someone who is mentally challenged is stupid? Then you put these disgusting words in my mouth trying to act as though I’m attacking those with disabilities?


I never said mental illness. I said mental disability. But if you want to get picky about it, how about cognitive impairment?

In all cases, you scammers like to target these people.

Yeah keep attacking the helpless, disgusting. Go back to buying your over priced items and being a bad person.

Well I don’t mean mentally challenged persons.

If that’s all you think of when you hear the word “Stupid” then you are a bad person.

It speaks volumes about you and your character that when you hear the word “Dumb” “Stupid” “idiot” that you automatically assume I’m talking about people with cognition issues or worse those with mental disabilities.


He’s just trolling.

Earlier he said addons would “prevent this” from happening.

So, I asked him, “Prevent what from happening?”

Naturally, he couldn’t explain himself without admitting he knew it was a scam, so resorted to posting the dictionary definition of “prevent” to deflect and then started spouting a bunch of nonsense.

Because that’s how you show how confident you are in your opinion?


Blah, blah, blah . . .

After calling people stupid and idiot and ignorant and dumb, no one’s taking your defense of disabled people seriously.

So. What DO you mean when you call people these names? Are you NOT referring to their intelligence? You never did say.

I don’t think he’s trolling. I think he and others in this thread are so weak that they can’t even admit that they are doing something wrong, even when deep down they know what they are doing is dishonest and sneaky. To admit they are doing a scam is too much for them. They MUST believe they are “good people”, even when everything about their actions points to the opposite. it’s kind of sad.

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I’m not the one running an AH scam.

I’ve never been scammed on the AH. And if you don’t want to be accused of targeting the “cognitively impaired,” then stop claiming the people who fall for this must be lacking in intelligence.

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Kinda what I was saying. People who have confidence in what they say don’t resort to trolling or deflection.

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No, I am not.

I am actually outraged that you equate intelligence with those without mental disabilities.

I can honestly say that you are proving to me that you are bigot and you are possibly very stupid. Not mentally disabled.

If you want to bring in mental issues, ok fine. Will go there.

I have two Degrees. A BA in fine arts and a BS in Human Services. I got both because of the ADA accommodations I received due to mental illness and disability.

Let me put this in terms your bigoted brain can understand. You just got schooled by someone with mental issues. In your own words because of my mental issues I am stupid and an idiot.

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I can’t even :rofl:

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Glad you find mental disability funny.

You are the worst kind of person next to racists… I’d wager you are probably racist too.

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I saw a streamer fall for it on one occasion. He was buying Arcane Dust for an enchant. He needed 20. A stack of 20 was like 40g, which meant they were going for 2g per unit. So he said, “I’ll just buy them individually” because individually they were going for 1g 30s.

So, there he goes, sorting by biding price and then scrolling down buying one and another and another. Click, Buy, Click Yes, go onto the next item.

He wants 20 and has resorted to selecting each individual one as he scrolls down the list. Eventually, he gets to one that has the same bidding price as the others, but actually costs 991g 30s.

Thankfully, his wallet wasn’t stacked because he got the message that told him he didn’t have enough gold.

But because of the way the sorting system works on the AH, he had no idea a higher buyout price would be mixed with the rest that he was buying.

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No you’re not. You’re trying to make yourself look like a good guy and it’s too little too late.

I never said mental illness and I specified “cognitive impairment.”

Well, I don’t know about your mental issues but I do know you work hard at pretending you actually read things people have written.

Don’t you have some auctions to post?

See? Deflection.

Guy is a troll.

Ah ok, youre ok with mentally ill persons, you just hate mentally challenged persons. Do you get physically ill when you see someone with downs?

Yep. And he went to great lengths to insult people’s intelligence. Then does a huge back flip, (“OMG you think calling people stupid means their unintelligent??”) when it was pointed out how disgusting it was to take advantage of those with “cognitive impairments.”

And it is.

And you’re broke lol

Over a thousand posts about some person get rip’d because they weren’t paying attention.
I don’t even think it’s about them anymore LMAO. Ya’ll A MESS.

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I’ll take that as an admission of being a scammer. The first one I’ve seen here. Thanks