Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

It’s not a scam and I said idiots, not mentally disabled. Though some idiots are questionably close, your word twisting won’t work here woman.

we get to think whatever we want about you, sweetie
and guess what: you’re a scammer

No, they can clearly see it says 900g and then proceed to make the purchase. This is their own doing, not some boogyman scammer.

You’ve used “stupid,” and “idiot” several times.

Karens and kyles everywhere. Simmer down and take your xanny, your late on it.

It’s basically talking out of both sides of your mouth. On the one hand, people are stupid for falling for a trick but at the same time it wasn’t even a trick at all because it was fair.

Scams assume some level of fruad.

In this case there was no fruad. The seller posted exactly the item wanted, and the AH system CLEARLY displays the buyout price. No fruad here. The buyer got exactly what they wanted to buy and the seller got exactly what their asking price was. Both parties where clear about the terms of the transaction and nothing was withheld or obfuscated.

Everything was above board and made available.

Stupidity does not equal scam.


There’s no trick, the item and price is clearly visible to anyone able to read.

And there, conveniently, they’re not stupid now. See the back and forth on this?

And by the way, just quoting you so that others can see how deceptive you are. I really have no intention on repeating what I’ve already said to you. This is just for everyone else to mull over.

If you don’t mean mentally disabled, what DO you mean? And really, how do you know there aren’t people with cognitive disabilities falling for this?

You don’t. And then you throw out words like dumb and stupid - as if it’s okay to scam them simply because they’re dumb and stupid. Always okay to take advantage of the disadvantaged, right?

we agree with that. people should be careful and read all the prices carefully.

all we want is for the scammers who do this to own up and admit they are doing a scam. we’re not even asking them to stop. we just want them to admit the facts.

and they can’t even do that. that’s why the thread won’t die.

There is a window pop up that says “ARE YOU SURE” then you have to click yes… got what she deserves


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Them being able to clearly see it obviously doesn’t mean they aren’t stupid. The only deceptive one here is you and your kind. Always blaming others and not taking accountability for your actions. It’s always someone else’s fault.

He doesn’t know what he means because he keeps on moving back and forth between saying they’re stupid but also saying they shouldn’t be. You’d only say things like that if you presumed the system was rigged to take advantage of people’s ignorance.

But then he says the system is not rigged. So, he tries to have it both ways.

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If you equate these terms with being mentally challenged then I feel sorry for you and anyone else you come in contact with.

Mental disability does not make someone stupid or an idiot. It’s very very concerning that you think anyone who has a mental challenge or disability is an idiot and stupid. Actually it’s disgusting.


If there was a scam I wouldn’t be happy about it. But once again since you’ve been proving you are one of these people who can’t read, there is no scam.

the scammer is getting back up on his moral high horse :rofl:

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Do you want to talk to his manager?

So what DO you mean? When you call someone dumb, or stupid, or an idiot, what DO you mean? Are you NOT referring to their intelligence?

Yeah, you are. Your faux outrage is nonsense.

So your one of those who think people with mental illness aren’t intelligent? Got a real morally good person on our hands here.