Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

Oh I’m glad sort order has no meaning on anything, google just wastes billions of dollars on nothing.

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Google is a waste of billions of dollars, correct. But google is a search engine, we are talking about price listings. If your just clicking and buying that’s a you problem, normal people with common sense look at prices before making a purchase.

Oh so you just don’t understand that the initial presentation of an item is actually important.

You search the item, sort it. Now you look for the lowest price. Simple. Who just wildly mashes their mouse without reading prices?

Can’t make it appear at a lower price. Just read damn it! You can’t hide the prices.

Look even if Blizz allowed sorting by buyout price. I’ll bet you my house that we will be right back on this forums debating this issue again.

Because you cant code out lazy and stupid.

I have sympathy for the buyer simply because she was hurt by her mistake. But it was HER mistake.


See how his only resort is to return to his original presumption without taking any data presented to him to term?

Except by listing it with a low bid and high buyout.

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Besides the fact that they make add-ons that cater to these people lacking the ability to read. Guess they can’t get those either since they can’t read what they do. Damn you know what we really do have a problem here.

I’ve analyzed the data. Results are, people are stupid.

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I am still in awe that this thread is still going. It is simple, you need to take personal responsibility for your actions and stop trying to find someone to blame for YOUR stupidity.

The buyout price is clearly marked, if someone cannot be bothered to fully read what they are buying, it is not the system or Blizzard’s fault.

This is why this game is becoming just another retail version. NO one wants to take personal responsibility for their choices and actions.

Let this serve as a learning lesson, PAY CLOSER ATTENTION to what you are buying.

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Still can’t make the prices look different than what they are. If you read them you can clearly see it. There is no hiding it, you can’t.

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Yes a lot of people are, that doesn’t mean that they can’t be scammed.

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The OP specifically stated that they and their guild do not use add ons and they refuse to use any sort of sort feature etc… apparently they just randomly click “buy now” and want blizzard to protect them from willful ignorance.


Nobody’s been scammed, just a lot of dumb people clicking buyout on expensive items.

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Meaning it’s okay to set up this scam because only the mentally disabled would fall for it. And as everyone knows, scamming the mentally disabled is A-Okay.

So it comes back to it being their fault for making these choices.

Yes that’s precisely how a lot of scams work.

Only its not a “SCAM”, if I personally feel my injectors are worth 2500g and you actually pay me that price. There is no scam involved. The seller did not hide the price nor give them something other than what they purchased.

The buyer’s stupidity does not mean it is a scam.

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Actually the mentally disabled aren’t falling for it.

Apparently it’s just a bunch of “Karen’s” raising hell over their own dumbness… like Karen’s do.