Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account


What’s happening is people are choosing to buy the lower-priced items and a higher priced item gets mixed up in the midst of the lower-priced items because of the way the sorting system works.

So your saying they don’t read the clearly labeled price. The numbers don’t just run away and hide when your clicking buyout.

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Not playing the “So what you’re saying is…” game. Sorry.

Yea that’s what’s being argued here. Kum thinks the higher prices are hidden and people are being robbed.

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So your saying that you doing it is ok but others doing it back is wrong?

Okay, how else would you explain it then.

Explaining something twice defeats the purposes of explaining it the first time.

Are the numbers hidden during this purchase?

Once again a scam is not determined by how easy it is to spot.

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He knows this. He’s being purposefully vague at this point.

You keep calling it a scam, it’s just a item being over priced. A scam would be the numbers reading 9g but you get charged 900g. Or something along those lines, where you have no choice in the matter and are mislead.

What makes it a scam is that the seller is intentionally pricing the item in such a way that it appears as a lower price.

Which simply allowing sorting by buyout amount would instantly fix.

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But you can sort it by price yourself. So what’s the problem? Or are you arguing that the average player is too lazy or stupid? Look, you can only code stupid out of the game so much.

Maybe Blizz should put buyout prices in 84 point font and bring pink? Would that stop stupid? I doubt it.

What happened was the buyer’s mistake. Sure, the seller is a lowlife looking for a sucker. And he found one. Its sad, but its the truth.

I urge everyone to pay attention to what you are buying!

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Look kummy boy, if the auction says 900g. You better believe your going to pay 900g when you click buyout.

The problem is you can’t, the AH only allows sorting by bid amount not buy out.

How does “900g” appear to be lower than “900g”. Where is the smoke and mirrors, I don’t see prices changing when I browse.

Because it’s sorted above items that are actually priced lower.

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Why does the sorting matter, the prices don’t change. Read the price and you won’t pay more than you want.

I know you are but what am I?

Yeah I saw that and edited my post. You can sort it by bid price. But so what? The buyout price is like right next to the bid price… you didnt notice that?