Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

There’s no scheme or deceit. The items are clearly visible as being priced high. You aren’t being decieved when you accept the purchase price.

Ok so report me? You’re basically saying that following the law constitutes a crime?

Yeah, I guess posting something at 900% higher than the average is pretty much the definition of higher than average. But that’s just par for the course, right? There’s absolutely nothing suspect or strange about someone regularly posting prices at 900% above the average value. At all. Period.

Nothing to see here. All honest.

Still, since this is still an honest transaction, why associate idiocy with the buyer? I’m not understanding why you devalue the buyer’s intelligence for making an honest transaction.

Seems like I’m missing a piece of the puzzle here.

Someone made the choice to post their AH in the way they did. That’s a scheme.

It’s also a scheme to form a group to tackle a dungeon with a frost mage with 2 warlocks so you can AoE grind easily.

It’s also a scheme to sell in-game boosts for gold to pay for your epic mount.

It’s also a scheme to farm quests at max level for better gold. Or level strictly through dungeons to maximize rep gains so you can quest afterwards.

No I’m not actually.

Yes you are. You don’t know what TOS are. You deny that they even exist.

You accuse me of “scamming” because you don’t like my legal actions.

Since we don’t have any legal agreements and no TOS this argument is absurd because there is literally (according to you) no in game laws.

Since there are no laws I violated nothing and you’re on your own.

Even if you could find and admit that there are legal agreements and TOS this agreements and TOS are on my side. IE the law is on my side like it or not.

Which is why you haven’t committed fraud.

Next question please.


Foxmumbler, remember to post on Eonwe when you want people to take you seriously.

I am people and I take me very seriously. Ergo people do take me serious.

Have you decided to accept that there are such things as TOS?

You made several Flat Earther like posts about such things not existing even when provided proof.

But as you say there are no terms. If there are no TOS then we don’t have laws, if we do not have laws; and morality being subjective, I have done nothing wrong. The OP and the OPs guild have no recourse due to no laws.

So why are you still arguing about subjective issues?

Seems there is a market for it, people are paying those numbers for some odd reason.

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Flattering but we are different people

Yep. Plenty of gold being made off people buying copper ore for 99 gold each.

Fair market value is what people will pay. Apparently 99 gold per copper is the going rate for some.

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I know it gets confusing but we are two different people in game and IRL.

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Alright I see what you mean. Either way, if you can’t tell the difference between spending all your gold and spending 5 gold or even 50 silver you should stop using the AH. Either way when you load up by default the highest buyouts usually go to the bottom. Which is the absolute price, not the bid. If anyone organizes prices based off of bids than LOL


Hey if they choose to pay that price, that’s on them. I however prefer to find a cheaper price by reading them.


Yeah. What a mystery this is!

To you it obviously is. To the rest of us we know. And knowing is half the battle.

Why would anybody make the choice to pay so much? A mystery indeed.

Nope. Try again.

Thats exactly what’s happening. Everyone has the choice to read the price and choose which one best suits their needs. If you choose to bypass the reading, you take the risk of paying more than you’d like.


I know cash app does this. You send money to someone else by mistake? Tough luck…

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