Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

Except I already admitted to doing it. I already started I have been doing it.

Please tell me you don’t work as a detective.

You: so you admit you charged to much!

Me: Yes, yes I do do what you just accused me of!

You: Just admit you charge to muc!

Me: ok I admit it!

You: if you’ll just admit it we can move on!

Me: ok I admit it!

You: why won’t you just admit it!

Me: ok I don’t admit it.

You: see I’m so smart I know you did it now just admit it.

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How does it being extremely over priced appear to be lower? Doesn’t make sense.


The OP just clicked without reading anything at all and got mad that they over paid. So it’s a scam apparently.

I’d say it is. You can’t not see the prices. The base AH sets high buyouts last. How much can blizzard compensate for stupidity should be the question.


Hmm… so you just don’t know how the AH sorts items?

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You’re funny. Keep telling me stuff about whatever.

Thanks for admitting this the truth.

Youre lumpy and smell bad. Whale biologist.

You’re wrong. When a user goes to sort based by price it sorts based on current bid, not the buyout.


I do very well and I know that something posted at 900g clearly says 900g.

The way the system is set up is flawed, no one is saying that is not the truth. What we are saying is the OP did not get scammed.

Yea and knowing that it’s flawed and proving it is flawed does not constitute a scam.

I can clearly see the buy out price. I wouldn’t buy it for that price. Sell it at that price yea, but it no…. Why? I can read.

Oh, it’s going to be really embarrassing when it comes out that the people who have been arguing don’t even know how the AH works.

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Oh look, items CLEARLY posted at 999g. Boy I wish I could read so I don’t buy those clearly visible over priced items.

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Wait, what?

Explain this, please.

Yea that’s the argument. Buying that item constitutes an apparent scam…. Somehow….

An item that is priced above the average selling price. That is, someone who posts an item for more than what people are willing to pay.

The definition of a scam is a dishonest scheme so if you can get someone to pay roughly 660% to 198000% more than the current market value of all the other listings on the AH I’d say chances are you’ve scammed someone somehow. I don’t even have to know the context of that situation to make that assumption.

Your argument essentially hinges on the idea that because the person who purchases it must have user input to make the scam work it therefore absolves the poster of all responsibility. Legally speaking (in this case) yes because Blizzard doesn’t get involved and won’t punish for this. But alas scams do not require a legal component to be considered a scam, if it’s legally actionable at that point you’ve committed fraud.

It’s the same thing as calling it a trick or a swindle.

Brags about being able to pay attention
Can’t pay attention to the context of a post


Items prices higher than average. Only an idiot would buy.

Yes, but he’ll just try to explain his way out of this again while repeating “it’s not a scam” again.

Meanwhile Foxmumbler will devolve into nonsensical replies if you point out his inconsistencies.