Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

Exactly thanks for proving my point. People shouldn’t get upset over a game.

Thanks for the complement.

I told you, you would come around. Just honest selling. Thank you again. I appreciate you admitting you where wrong and all that’s happening is honest selling.

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Except people can just click my quote for the full context and see what I actually said.

Sure I do. People who have no empathy or behave like dbags pretty much get looked at like that by more than just me.

OH! Well then! If Saint Ion and Saint Bobby don’t care . . .

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Wow. Someone should tell that to the football fans.

I’d feel some type of way, too. As a casual player, having 100g is an achievement for me. 2500g, though… I’d rage quit :rofl:


Correct, I am not. I’m not trying to make anybody think I’m a special “morally good” snowflake. I’m just spitting truth.

and then, everybody clapped

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I feel like it’s more of a uproar of cheering and throwing hats.

So you fully admit that because you click without reading that this sort of scheme works.

Essentially you are arguing for people to be more diligent and this kind of thing will stop. So you too are blaming the OP and in agreement with us scammers. You are 100% correct in that if people are willing to hand out their gold some of us are willing to take it.

What you’re doing is justifying people who do act in an immoral manner because you want to feel that you have no responsibility for your own actions as long as you can pass the blame on.

Sorry just spitting truth.


The key think here is to let others argue against themselves. Eventually the truth comes out.

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No, I just don’t think normalizing stupidity and mistakes is a good thing. Think before you act, if you make a mistake take accountability for it and don’t do it again. Stop blaming others for your mistake.

That’s fine, it doesn’t however change that the person posting the scam has just as much responsibility and that simply allowing sorting by buyout amount would massively help.

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There was no scam. He posted an item for a very high price. Someone CHOSE to buy it.

Hey, it’s your fantasy.

These two aren’t mutually exclusive you know. You can say people should pay more attention, but also ask the question of if the system is set up in the best way possible

Posting an item in such a way that it appears as a lower buyout is a scam. It doesn’t matter how easy it is to spot.


Oh, darn, he said it again.

And you know what they say, if you repeat something often enough, eventually it becomes the truth.