Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

I know you feel sour but your feelings can’t negate facts. I wish our world was rainbows too I swear I do. Feelings don’t compensate for I over spent lol.

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Correct all your justifications do not change the fact that this is in fact a scam.

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Those laws are to prevent misleading people through manipulation and lies. These are items clearly posted at a specific price. You choose to accept the charge.

And then there are those who feel it’s necessary to punch the person over and over in the face because they were tired, or in a hurry, or not paying attention.

Also it’s perfectly fine to take advantage of someone who may be tired, or in a hurry, or not paying attention, or . . . yes, even stupid.

Good qualities you have there.

how do you accidently not look at the buyout price? I’m very confused

lmao isn’t there a confirmation too? this is like next NEXT level stupidity.


I sense your anger and bitterness. It won’t get your gold back. Just do better at paying attention next time. If you need some tips on how not to spend all your gold hit me up. I can help you. For 9.99 a month you can call me and I’ll console you for your losses and give you tips and tricks on how to better manage your gold, and how not to spend 2,000 extra on accident. Maybe reading lessions fees not included.


Your accepting a price then doubling back and crying about it. That’s the stupid part. Think before you act.

Who said there was a debate, I’m telling you how things are. Boy.

Hey, they were just turning a profit, man!

You know what take it like a punch. Sorry if you feel that way. But you don’t get to look at people and be disgusted, or take a morale high ground and call others bad people because they don’t feel bad for you, because you made a mistake. Not even blizzard cares. This is childish. It really is. You’re literally looking at others like they’re out to get you or something. The fact you all feel like you’ve been attacked or preyed on is a joke. Grow up.

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Even your favorite “scammer” has agreed with you on this.

Also as has been pointed out, there are several add ons that already do this. The op has stated they (OP and Guild) refuse to use add ons.

So the OP and the entirety of the OPs guild refuses to use tools that are already available to prevent this so we all know a sort feature will fix nothing… even then… I’m still for the search features being more robust.

But that’s not what you were referring to in the sentence I was quoting.

True, was just trying to lower myself to victimhood for a moment. Still no empathy for stupidity. Sorry.

All of you virtue signaling victims.

bro the AH is a free market - you’re really trying to say putting something up for an unreasonable price is a scam? No…it’s not. The person clearly wanted to spend the extra gold…

I guess offering anything above market value is a scam. There are a lot of scammers out there then… :\


Wait, to prevent what, now?

Please, let me know what you’re trying to prevent.

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I still don’t know why people think having a relatively free market doesn’t mean something can be scam.

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Yeah, and you’re totally not virtue signaling yourself when you say things like


You’re totally not trying to hoist your virtues on other people as you say this. It’s just when everyone else says things that you don’t like.

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If we’re talking strictly base UI then no.

Haha, I ask what needs to be prevented and the guy tries to post the definition of the word from the dictionary.
