Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

People do things like this all the time. Most think they are really smart. Then when they get in trouble for being smart its all the “idiots” faults for being cupcakes and snowballs and they have received a gross injustice because this is a free market, 'Merica etc…

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Your words, not mine. Flattered though.

Yeah, you’re literally correct about me saying the words I said. Well done!

Okay, don’t be stupid then. I am using the same auctionhouse and having the same encounters. I’m not worried one bit because I READ the numbers.

So you are worried about it.

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Commies get free helo rides

Let’s just tear up all those laws that protect people (most notably, the elderly) from fraud and scams and other things that take advantage of them. Screw that 90-year-old! Let them learn a lesson!

What’s wrong with you??

Well, how could we be stupid when really it was an honest transaction, as you were saying? Again, how could it be stupidity when all the seller was doing was turning a profit and they buyer was just helping them to that?

I’m so confused…

Degrading to ad hominem attacks is the number one sign of a sore loser in a debate. Good luck with your legitimate auctions.

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At the end of the day I’m not the one who paid 2k for a potion. I actually pay attention to what I’m doing. If only blizzard considered this a scam, but they don’t. Cause if they did they would have given you your money back by getting involved. But they didn’t because they don’t have too because it’s a free market because you name your price you’re responsible for your money. People who utilize the wonderful power of common sense wouldn’t be foolish enough to pay 2.5k for a potion. This game requires that of common sense which can’t be provided, yet lacks heavily.

Why is he reading the numbers when all that’s happening is honest transactions where the sellers are just turning a profit?

It’s a game bro don’t even. Lmaooo.

Once again they may not intervene post transaction but they will action against players that are posting these auctions enmasse per personal experience


i cant believe this thread is still going

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Yeah whatever man keep thinking that guess who’s not getting their gold back because they spent it fair and square. Everyone on this post looking for a hug or a warmth because they didn’t look before they spent.

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So because it’s a game no one can be scammed?? Really?

They can. They can be scammed. Unfortunately this case specifically isn’t a scam. Next.

Except for the part where it is.

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Not at all, I always read what I am buying.

Yeah, why does Blizzard even let players open tickets?

Naturally, they shouldn’t get upset about anything that dissatisfies them about their experience playing the game because it’s just a game, right?

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