Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

And you’re acting like AH scammers aren’t banking on inadvertence, and acting as if this is a simple case of buyer’s remorse lol

They’re not lying, but they’re certainly hoping to mislead

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Auctioneer, while extremely helpful, has some bugs that reduce the amount of protection it offers.

Or, I should say “offered” since it is currently not available for Classic.

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The only thing they should do is make it so people cannot cancel an auction that has any bids on it. That way people can’t lowball the bid price and then just cancel it last minute.


I’m curious if this would be considered price gouging. If only 1 Walmart location selected one kind of tomato to be extremely over priced. But every other local retailer kept them the same price then I don’t think they would get in trouble correct?

Since people have the option to purchase from other retailers within a reasonable distance and it’s not to take advantage of a crisis situation.


Did she know that she’s entitled to millions of dollars from her long lost great grandfathers will? I’ll just need her social insurance number…

Craigslist has banned the use of personal ads.

You obviously don’t do the food shopping in your household. Ask you mother how she purchases your Cheetos.

They are taking advantage of people being impatient and not thinking while at the auction house. It sucks, but it is not a scam.


Wrong, I shop.

I don’t think Blizz should take action on these types of things, and I agree with their hands off approach. It’s an MMO and I personally believe that most of these player behaviors should be allowed.

The only thing I take issue with is people trying to claim that what is clearly a scam isn’t a scam lol


Guess im a damn big fish then cause I’ve never overpayed for something clearly labeled.


literally not a scam. otherwise every person who has ever bought a piece of property was scammed. She just unfortunately made a bad judgement call and was careless enough to “buyout” on something un-intended. It’s like buying a car ten times the retail value because you didn’t know untill after. Or its like the opposite of selling a company for 150k dollars only to find out in three months its now worth a million +. its not a scam, but thats what happens when people rush. Or when people do things with no knowledge of said subject they are involving themselves in.


That you were aware of anyway.

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Canadian typing detected.


If I have a yard sale and sell a dog turd for $500 USD and you come up and say you want 5 of them. Then hand me $2500. That’s your fault.


it’s as if people are only just realizing, how ugly people in this world are. Not all sunshine and daiseys.

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Maybe we’re all arguing semantics.

To me, a scam doesn’t need to be illegal. You simply need to deceive someone…which these AH scammers do.

Once again, not down with having these people banned or anything. Just quit acting like they’re master capitalists and not scammers lol


Real life example. Multimillionaire families having their sister or whoever take guardianship of their kid in their junior year. The kid then qualifies for a bunch of grants and stuff for college they normally wouldn’t be able to because they’re the snotty nosed spawn of a multimillionaire.

Legal? Yes
Smart? Yes
Scammy and disreputable? Absolutely


I’m pretty sure I can still go onto Craigslist and sell my car in the Cars for sale section. Unless I’m misunderstanding what you mean.

literally i read a fiction short story of someone that sold toothbrushes and made 2500$. how? he sold cupcakes and told customers how delicious they were, and then the customers bit into them and asked “Man wth you put in this? Poop!?” and the person said “yes, would you like to buy a toothbrush?”

If I tell the cop about the 25% finder’s fee for the return of the $200,000 I would have $150,000 in my pocket within the hour.

Plus I’d get to keep the Civic.