Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

If you post a toaster on marketplace for 2k they’ll ban your account from posting when someone reports you bud.

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I see the over priced items in my default AH very clearly.

A more accurate analogy is, you put your toaster in the middle of a bunch of other toasters just like it, but you put a few extra zeroes at the end of your price tag.

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It’s 100% the same scenario.

It’s 100,000,000% not though.

I think we found another one.

It would be listed among others, the point still stands. The buyer is at fault for agreeing to the price.

Except for the part where it is not as it’s not being done for one time major purchases.

keep telling yourself you’re a good person and not a scammer, bro. someday you might believe it.

This isn’t a morale issue. This is a common sense issue. And AH needs parental controls clearly. We need to protect you from yourself. Everyone’s a scammer now huh? Everyone’s out to get you? grow up, I’ll continue to laugh. If someone disagrees with your stupidity and you point your finger at them you just prove how pathetic this all is. Seriously entertaining.

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I’m not the one posting the auctions regardless. I just don’t like catering to stupid people who over pay for items when they are clearly listed.

Great! Now that we’re on the same page and you agree with this analogy, tell me what the seller’s intent was.

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you are in total denial

all it needs to do is order things based on buyout price, not bid price. very simple solution

This is the million dollar question that they have all evaded. Can’t get a straight answer 954 posts later.

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All you need to do is watch what you buy. This is how it was since the beginning of wow. It’s not gonna change. At the end of the day this won’t change. Because blizzard can only compensate for their players absolute stupidity so much. Only so much. Lmao. I

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The sellers intent is to turn a profit.

The answer is She didn’t get scammed. She failed in paying attention to the confirmation before clicking buyout. :nerd_face: :smoking:

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In this instance that’s exactly what happened.

Absolutely. He’s attempting to evade even now.

Oh, I guess if you keep on saying something, eventually it becomes true.

All this virtue signaling and pandering to stupidity. Smh, no wonder society is in a steep decline.