Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

Uh-huh. Which is why people regularly post single Arcane Dust for over 900. Because they know people read price tags and have no hope of taking advantage of them.

You’re right. Nobody ever posted an item for an outrageous price ever planned on taking advantage of other peoples’ ignorance.

I don’t know what I was thinking.

Obviously Blizzard disagrees, it WILL get you in trouble.

Ignorance shouldn’t be catered to, they will learn a lesson and lose their ignorance this way. You learn from mistakes, not being sheltered from them.

So you admit that the op made a mistake and now a mistake means you got scammed?

The other day at my shop I made a mistake and put an item on sale for to much. I lost money. I made a mistake and sold something at to much of a discount. My customer just scammed me?

See people should have known this binoculars can’t be that cheap.they knowingly scammed me. Can I file a police report?

Bro it’s still not dishonest no matter how scummy of an attempt it is to hike up prices you still purchased without looking. It’s pathetic and all the crying makes me enjoy seeing stupid people take losses. You posted a blizzard harassment thing like that relates any way to being a stupid buyer. Hilarious.

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Nor taken advantage of.

It’s a good thing I don’t care what blizzard thinks. They have proven their thoughts to be fairly useless in the years anyway.

this thread has two types of people. those with morals, and those without. the people without morals paradoxically still want to believe they are good people, so they come up with all sorts of convoluted reasons for why their scam isn’t a scam, twisting themselves into a pretzel. there’s nothing that can be done for these sad types, unfortunately. :expressionless:

I never switch bid amount, I only put a buyout price on all auctions.

that option needs to be removed. When I need something I want to buyout AH item and have it.

This thread has two types of people, perpetual victims and people accountable for their actions. One whines eternally and the other learns from their experiences good or bad.

See, this is how we know you’re dishonest.

Yeah only thing twisted is your entitlement. Period. Loser mentality.

And rational people who are pointing out that the people pulling this scam on the AH are scum bags regardless.

here’s one of the immoral people now, justifying their scam by victim blaming. perhaps he thinks he is doing the victim a favor by teaching him about how cold and unforgiving the world is. this is the kind of pretzel twisting i was referring to earlier.

notice how offended the scammer is here. fakedoors HATES people calling him immoral, because deep down, he knows he is a bad person.

It’s not their fault that so many people lack the ability to read numbers. If I post my toaster on craiglist for $2000 and somebody buys it. How am I the scumbag?

This thread does have two types of people, those who need to be reported in game and those that need to report said players in game. I don’t care if you take heed my warning, I don’t make up stories. I have no room in my life for delusion.

These people aren’t actual victims, they are playing victim for attention.

that analogy obviously doesn’t work, because the way the scam works in WoW is based on how the AH orders things. but you already knew that.

For starters that’s not an accurate analogy to what is happening.