Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

What’s the question?

Do I sell knowing people will randomly click and buy? I’ve already said “yes, yes I do”

You don’t like that and got out your YouTube law degree to try and define “scam” as anything YOU personally don’t like.

At least one of you has stated Blizzard doesn’t have and has never had a TOS. At least one of you doesn’t even know how to google something. One of you can’t even acknowledge that blizzard has defined this per their legal agreement as not a scam.

What you both do not like is that “game law” is on my side.

the game puts a default bid amount on all auctions. and player only types in buyout price

Doesn’t even matter at this point. Ziryus basically called it as it is.


If the intent is to get players to click the wrong button please refer to the player behavior post from earlier in the thread.

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Does anyone know what he’s talking about, here?

He’s trolling you.

Correct which shows just how scummy people pulling this scam are.

I tried posting some of those items, they aren’t 1s default. I imagine they are using an add on to one button post everything for the same price.

What is the reasoning behind the 811g buyout? To “fool” people. Nothing legitimate about that.

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Yep. Puffing out his chest and walking around like he’s Jesus or something. (But not a NICE Jesus).

Making a mistake doesn’t make you stupid. It makes you human. To my knowledge that includes everyone who visits the AH.

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This has nothing to do with being dumb enough to buy without looking at the price. Omfg.

i already told you that scam is defined as “a dishonest scheme”, which is exactly what you’re doing by preying on people being tired/in a hurry/not paying attention/etc.

once you start selling items hoping people will buy them for reasons other than “I want it and I believe that price is reasonable”, you are entering scam territory.

You mean you don’t know what you asked me? /facepalm.

You don’t know what TOS is.

You don’t know what the games legal notice is.

You don’t know that the AH asked for confirmation before buying.

You don’t know what the question you asked is.

And worst of all you don’t get the Futurama reference…… how dare you!

Idk what AH you use but the highest buyouts are at the bottom for me lol.

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You’re right, I completely missed the part where the CoC doesn’t apply to “dumb people.”

My mistake, I concede to your wisdom in this matter.

Thanks for dodging my question. We’re done here.

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In game law is defined by TOS. Honest or not the law is on my side.

Telling me I’m dishonest isn’t a question.

Price tags. They tell you the important stuff.

But knowing you’re dishonest means we’ll abstain from asking you further questions because you don’t answer them.

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There is nothing dishonest about an over priced item. The numbers are neutral and are very legible. The only dishonest part about all this is somebody thinking they should be compensated for being stupid.

The price is on the item. That’s all the honesty you need. Hope you didn’t spend too much at once.