Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

That doesn’t surprise me.

I think it’s defended because, “I didn’t get fooled because I’m smart.”

People like to pat themselves on the back for being themselves.

We don’t care how you sort it. This isn’t about sort features. It’s about stupid people who had all the opportunity to realize what they where doing, and, willfully chose to spend the gold, and then cry about it.

Even if you put in sort features, 300 billion “are you sure windows”, GM involvement in purchasing decisions, CFOs directly counseling buyers on pricing options, and a detailed explanation of what “buying” means. People would still click 300 billion times, tell the GM to shut up, inform the CFO that they took a economics class in middle school, read the “buying” guid and flame it was written poorly because they took an intro to criminology and murderonomy course on YouTube , and then buy the wrong item and demand that they where scammed.

My argument against this is that, to a certain degree, everyone is ignorant of a lot of things. There’s a lot that we know and and there’s a lot that we don’t know.

So, do you enjoy walking into a situation you’re ignorant of, only to have people who are smarter of you take advantage of that?

And even if you wise up, are you going to want to stick with the people who took advantage of your ignorance?

Yes, yes. The terrible, horrible people who make mistakes.

Look at this idiot:

Man. People need to shut up and stop crying about losing money. So tiresome. Maybe you should go explain to that woman how incredibly stupid she is.

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You and your guild ate are ignorant of how shopping works?

Actually this is about the people who are posting just in the hopes that some “stupid people” click the wrong button. It might be different if it was a couple grey items or some other trivial joke items as has been the case in retail since conception (there is at least one junk item on every server for gold cap, I’m sure everyone has noticed it) but this is literally one of everything that everyone needs to play the game. It has littered the AH, it’s disruptive, it detracts from gameplay and causes hostility within the community.

You’re asking this after you tried to give some strange analogy about CFOs and GMs and then started talking about criminology and “murderonomy” ?

Roger that.

Gotcha, so anyone pricing items a little higher is a grandma scammer.

So, let’s see, you don’t have gold, you give it away?

You don’t sell anything, you give it away?

You spend your time helping other players get geared?

See, this argument from you is black and white. So your either scamming old women or you’re a saint.

I’ve never met anyone like you. It’s kinda weird. Since you d9nt need your gear can you vendor that stuff and donate the gold to the orphans fund? If you don’t, you’re a scammer too.

This is all incredibly dishonest and disingenuous.

Um, we are talking about shopping. This is your post…. You admit that you and your entire guild are ignorant of shopping……

Healing Potion Injector
Item Level 66
Requires Level 55
Use: Restores 1500 to 2500 health.(2 Min Cooldown)
Max Stack: 20
Sell Price: 50

Selling 50% off now only 1250g only 1 stack left

You’re just dishonest. You won’t even answer a simple question.

Yes. Yes they are. They are posting their auction in such a way that they will take advantage of someone who may be tired, or in a hurry, or distracted, or any number of things.

Elderly people who are scammed aren’t being held up at gunpoint, they’re tricked into handing over their money. Except for age, it’s the same damn thing.

People who do this are dbags. People who defend them are dbags.

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The do you want to sound like a dbag confirmation popped up and he refuses to click yes.

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Correct. Same analogy as I was making.

This is basically people taking advantage of what other people don’t know for personal gain. Then, furthermore, justifying it by virtue of, “I’m just smarter.”

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Still haven’t censored that gear…. Doesn’t that make you a dbag?

Have you ever sold anything before? That makes you a dbag?

You need to live your exacting, black and white, words.

You tell me one legitimate reason for posting 1 of every potion, scroll, crafting material, buff food and gem in the game for 1s bid 811g buyout and I will delete all 54 toons and unsubscribe forever. Just one LEGITIMATE reason to make all those posts. In the real world the feds would throw the book at you, they would shame you on the news and lock you up for 20 years and take everything you own but somehow in Wow it’s all above board free market lalala. IT WILL GET YOU A BREAK AT MINIMUM.


it’s good to know they at least gave them a 3 day suspension, although it should definitely be more. i’ll be sure to report the next ones I see

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See what he does here? He can’t answer the question because he knows it makes him look bad, so instead tries to insult the intelligence of whomever he is talking to.


What’s the question? I feel like I’ve answered you many times.

You’re starting to sound like a police officer who doesn’t like the honest answer he was given so he starts getting agitated and asking the same question over and over getting more pissed because the answer doesn’t change.

Don’t shoot, hands up!