Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

How much gold did you spend or get scammed out of?

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Store-bought mounts, Level 58 Boosts, and Seal of the Martyr, and Same-Faction BGs, and 2.4.3 on launch, and SSC and TK not on launch, etc.

But yeah, way to stand on principle!

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Exactly 000.0000

HOW DO YOU MISS MISS THE 3 EXTRA ZEROES. You didn’t pay attention. You’re making it hard to feel bad. Seriously. If you didn’t notice the 3 extra zeroes as you purchased a mother loving health injector you literally weren’t paying attention to the prices. Jesus Christ you’re making me enjoy watching stupid people do stupid things instead of actually trying to feel for them. Deep down it’s just sad how people actually dont check the price tag. 2021.

“Knock all that nonsense off” bro if you can’t check before you buy you shouldn’t use the AH. We should put child locks on AH if this is what it’s come to.

It’s honest when the asking price is right there but the buyer chose to ignore it.

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This thread is the epitome of the offended liberal who thinks everything is someone else’s fault and refuses to accept responsibility and normal people who are like ya you screwed up live and learn no participation trophy today


More like “Absolutely fake thing that didn’t happen just to rile up the forums”

Not gonna lie it worked. I’m actually triggered people are defending this BS.

The sad part here is that you and everyone here arguing what you’re arguing is incredibly short sighted for what core of this discussion revolves around. You want to bicker about the whether this is able to be defined as a scam or not, and that’s all fine and dandy, but give me one good reason why Blizzard shouldn’t change the AH mechanic to where the highest buyouts are at the bottom of the list as opposed to being in line with AHs that are of the same starting bid?

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Healing Potion Injector
Item Level 66
Requires Level 55
Use: Restores 1500 to 2500 health. (2 Min Cooldown)
Max Stack: 20
Sell Price: 50

Now on AH for only 2500g

YES! Politics!!

Let’s go!

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That’s a good point.

All the people arguing this is ok are probably doing it and didn’t know you could get in trouble. Sorry guys, arguing about this on the forums won’t save you. I have to admit I was confused when I got in game mail from Blizzard telling me they took action but my son said it’s a new TBC only thing where they are wanting to reassure us they are taking action on legit reports AND I only reported the one player prior to it and the explanation was as follows " Player iiI on ******** v server has hundreds of posts, 1 of each item for 1 s 811g buyout. IF you bid on any auction the player will cancel the auction, these auctions are there purely for nefarious purposes in the hopes a tired or drowsy or inexperienced player will misclick and purchase the relatively cheap item for extraordinary amounts of gold. This type of behavior is disruptive to the auction house and community as a whole"

Got mail from Blizzard 2 days later they had investigated AND taken action and all the guys posts were gone from the AH. Believe what you want, seller beware

You can get in trouble for this if enough players made a stink about it and called it what it is.


Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.

While we encourage you to report players that are behaving in a disrespectful manner, falsely reporting another player with the sole intent of restricting their gameplay is also unacceptable and will result in penalties to your account.

Thank you so much for posting the section of the EULA that pretty much sums up this thread. I promise everyone if we just keep reporting these players their time posting these “legit” sketchy auctions will be short.

Is the auction posted in such a way as to try to trick people? Yes? Then that’s unethical, plain and simple.

There’s a lot of rl victims out there, mostly elderly, who aren’t stupid and there are laws to protect them from unscrupulous people. People JUST LIKE the person who posted this auction with the intent on tricking someone.

Asking for auctions to be listed by buyout price isn’t the end of the world ffs. It’s not some liberal socialist agenda OMG They’re coming for muh guns and bibles! Get a grip on sanity.

Yes the buyer made a mistake. So what? We all do. We all don’t pay attention from time to time or get in a hurry. That doesn’t mean anyone deserves to lose their hard earned gold, or worse, have some snotty little jerk deride them.

What’s wrong with you? Have some empathy.

In my most recent interactions with players, this isn’t an if, it is a fact. WOW in its entirety is toxic, I’d say Twitter level toxic but I think Twitter can learn how to be more toxic from the wow player base.

I recently bought an item that sells for around 150-200 gold. The seller posted it for 50 gold. I bought it, put it up in trade chat for 100 gold. 2 min later it was sold, I made 50 gold.

I got nast tells from the seller and their friends demanding the 100 gold I stole because everyone knows they meant to sell it for 150……

It’s actually the “In-Game Code of Conduct.”

It entails that certain behaviors which may seem in compliance with how the game is played, can become grievous offenses. That will be determined by the community.

There were folks debating this type of thing with regards to players sneaking into major cities or standing outside various raids and dispelling World Buffs. If one recalls, there was a Blizzard employee who (incorrectly) believed that dispelling World Buffs was considered “griefing” and summarily banned a player for doing that.

Naturally, the player’s account was reinstated and I believe the employee was disciplined for it. Even so, the current perception was that such behavior could have reached the point of violating Blizzard’s CoC.

What particularly amusing about this thread is how many people try to defend acting like a dbag.


sorry about there luck, same with the person that bought potions for 2500g