Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

This isn’t a scam your friend is just dumb lmao.
No tricks were done on the “scammers” part, it was simply negligence on your friends part.
Learn to read.

Yup, and according to our green-texted MVP, Blizzard is completely on board with “dumb” people getting scammed.

Guess it’s just another thing we gotta live with, including bots, gold-buyers, gold-seller, and every other lovable thing that comes with this wonderful game full of wonderful people!

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What do you propose here?
You want Blizzard to set hard values on everything?
This is akin to forgetting to equip your armor and then complaining Blizzard makes dungeons too hard to clear.

4 days and still going strong.

I think all anybody wants here is the ability to sort the auction house by bidding and buyout price.

But that’s too steep a price to pay for a small Indie company like Blizzard entertainment

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It oesn’t matter. The AH is buyer beware. Its just that simple.

Now IF the buyer made a mistake, she might be able to talk the seller into returning some of the gold. But the seller doesn’t have too. Its lesson learned.

I feel sorry for the buyer, but thems the breaks. Next time be more careful.

And one more thing, to the OP: why come here and post at all? It wasn’t a scam. If what you described is true, then yeah, I’d say the seller was pretty low down. But so what? Did you expect someone to step forward to donate gold?

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This is why you need to use something like TSM or some other AH Addon. You can easily spot the ‘outliers’ with insane buyout prices because it’ll be like “>999%” for the column denoting the buyout price vs market value buyout as a percentage.

Getting scammed sucks. The only way they’re going to get past it is if they’re shown that they themselves are more valuable to the guild than their performance aka (whatever object they lost that would have made them better).

Nah, remember, it’s not a scam anymore. It’s free game to take advantage of people. I mean, so what if they quit the game because the system is completely opens itself to easily take advantage of newer players.

According to the TOS, which was formerly known as “EULA” until recently, newer players are free game for people who want to take advantage of them via the antiquated sorting system the Auction House currently uses.


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How are you being tricked when the price is literally right in front of your face to read?

Are you not able to understand the language?

that’s not how any of this works

But it’s not a scam

…only if you look at the wrong price. This is like calling it a scam when you wanted to buy a football and ended up with a basketball instead because the only thing you looked for at any point was the color blue.

I’m not bothered in the slightest by the existence of people that I can trivially avoid.

“If you disagree you likely perform literal sexual acts for the people I hate!!!”



I’m pretty sure this photo encapsulates the entire debate here:

I don’t have the trust level for a direct link, but imgur is safe.

Now, did the buyer get scammed?

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“guildie made a really poor life choice and lost all her money, but doesn’t want to accept responsibility for something that is 100% her own fault, so she is threatening to delete her account”

^ Proper topic name.

She wasn’t scammed, she was foolish. It’s not like she meant to click bid, but hit buyout instead, and got screwed. She clicked buyout, then went up to the top of the screen and hit “accept” when prompted if she was sure she wanted to spend 2500g on the item in question. This wasn’t an accident, it was done with purpose. She just didnt pay attention to what she was doing, and that is 100% her own fault. Don’t expect Blizzard to return the money because you have buyers remorse.


All I am saying is if you are posting these types of Auctions don’t be surprised when you get a break or worse. You don’t have to take my word for it, you will see that error message soon enough. Good luck with your aspirations of swindling players of their pixels.

This isn’t a scam. Your friend didn’t pay attention to what she was doing. It’s your job to account for your own stupidity/mistakes.

You can price things for whatever you want and you were always able to do so. OP friend hit the wrong button. Oops I just spent 2500g by not paying attention blizzard give me my money back. Them getting involved in such a sheer level of stupidity might I add; would be blizzard going against their own tos. Jesus Christ I hate how I share this world with people like this. I really wish Aliens would get it over with and wipe us out sometimes. Thanks for triggering me.

That’s right, you do you and keep posting and I’ll do me and keep reporting and encouraging others to do the same and we’ll see where the ball lands. No downside to what I’m doing but where are you at in the risk vs. reward scale?

At no place ever anywhere does anyone post auctions for a minimum bid and 46,638382t27x their value buyout. Just knock all that nonsense off, there is no justification for that. It’s purpose is to screw people.