Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

Ok so before we can go forward. Please legally define every word you have already used. I want full definitions and done so in accordance with international courts with full translations into all known written and spoken languages.

Until then we cannot have a conversation.

On a side note, how often do you get kicked out of places of business for being a total Karen?

In essence, they are indeed now the exact same document.

Which is, decidely, not referred to as TOS for legal purposes.

People tend to refer to it as either. Not sure why you’re hung up on this “it’s a legal term” stuff. Not sure it’s as “legal” as you say it is :wink:

anyone ever do business with a contract that says “xyz” to be known also as “abc” from now on?

Yeah. To those pretending to be legal experts ALA lawyers, take blizzard to court over this. See how fast you post is thrown out and how strictly the courts will follow that item possibly known as “TOS” or any other legal definition you can come up with.

There is also a legal “term” known as common language. This is to prevent us all from having to say

“good morning boss”

But instead we would have to say

Good, defined as having or being positive for the purposes of this greeting. Morning to refer to a time of day, and time known as a measurement of the passage of a period known as 1 day or 1 revolution of the earth in accordance with known scientific measurements and accepted scientific terms, boss a term used to denote a position of authority within a given entity. Boss is also used in a non derogatory way for the purposes of this greeting. Greeting os defined as a way of acknowledging another entity………”

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I think it’s very clear he’s doing this for the sake of being a troll. He has been provided the resources on top of years of Blizzard stating they never get involved in disputes like this whether it be dungeons, raids, or AH. He’s just arguing for the sake of arguing. I say we’ve given him all he needs and now he deserves no more of our time.


No. She didn’t notice the buyout price?

Look I’m not saying it isn’t a scam… but the buyout price was right there. And she still bought it. If the seller had any class he’d return her gold.

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Yes, I must agree. One more troll for the good old ignore list. I feel like I have actualy lost brain cells in that exchange.

Well that would depend on how the buyer reacted and approached the seller. If they are like some players, their first reaction is to verbally abuse the seller, demand their gold back and in general, be a douche about it.

If that were the case and I was the seller, I will tell them to go take a hike.

However, if they were polite, considerate and were cival about the incident, maybe.

Your name is Bearhands and you are criticizing names? You are as moronic as your argument.

There is nothing involving “class” at all in this situation. For this to be a scam, you actually have to prove the poster indeed intended to scam said player when they posted it at that price. It is no different than posting an epic for 700g instead of 900g. You as the seller are saying you believe it is worth the prices you are listing it as, so 700g is what you will accept.

Did the seller and buyer interact at all before the purchasing of it from Auction House to verify the price? Furthermore Blizzard also has the AH system automated to remove that “Scamming” factor. You as the buyer click once to select that item, and a second confirmation that you agree to buyout. The seller said “This item is worth X to me” and the OP’s friend clicked once to confirm that was the correct item, and once more accepting that price affirming she agreed to that price as the buyer.

He owes her absolutely nothing. It’s a lesson learned.

can we let this thread die plz ? it wasan’t a scam


According to the TOS his actions are trolling and we could report it as such.

It is though, the jumbling is of the BUYOUT price since it is being sorted by BID price. That’s why there’s no order of any kind from the sorting we have given what we actually want to sort by, which is why it isn’t a scam since it happens regardless of a small or huge price difference. IT IS A KNOWN QUANTITY

You’re being silly. Dishonesty has no meaning while actively participating in the AH if the act doesn’t result in a scam or fraud of some kind. If there’s no scam, but you assume dishonesty, that’s your bias and nothing more.

Tell me you have unjustified judgment problems without telling me you have unjustified judgment problems.

You guys are 100% absolutely correct that posting an auction is not against the terms of service, however littering the auction house with 100s and maybe even 1000s of these “scam” type or nefarious auctions is intentionally manipulating the system in an attempt to defraud other players and is against the terms of service. If you don’t think it is then read it again. I did not take a picture and am not at home but you can believe or not believe me, I don’t care. It is actionable, report it.


If there are that many of them, why didn’t the victim take a moment to actually read the confirmation dialogs (2 of them) before making her purchase?

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Alright then. Here we go. If it was against the rules and actionable, why does Blizzard allow them to be up without purging them on a regular basis? The answer: Because it is not actionable and against any rules. If I want to put 1k pieces of linen at 1 each on the AH, there are zero rules being broken by me doing so. They put a soft lock on mass buying and selling, were it against the rules they wouldn’t have wasted time on the feature and did an outright banning of the ability to do so at all.

Posting lots of auctions isn’t against the ToS.
Auctions cannot be scams, by definition, and thus are not against the ToS.
Every player that posts on the AH does so in the hopes that someone will buy their auctions, thus not against the ToS.

The only thing you can possibly argue is that there is some ill intent underlying a combination of all of the above things, none of which are against the ToS. Nothing about someone posting something maliciously, gleefully, fearfully, grumpily, angrily, etc, actually manifests in the AH, so you can only assume bad intent.

To put it bluntly: it isn’t a scam and it isn’t against the ToS.

Except there is an order, a very specific order, which is exactly what enables this scam since the scammers can consistently price their items so they fall first. The osrt order just being random would actually make this scam harder to pull off.

No you are correct. Posting 2k items for 1s bid 811g buyout is legit and cancelling after anyone bids and immediately reposting is all above board and the guy I reported didn’t get a break, Blizzard has never sent me mail, I never rolled a Lock on Thunderfury, I don’t even play WoW. What is this even about again?


I’m not implying random, I’m saying that the sort only cares about Bid, so if you want to be first on the list, you just need to post a super low bid price. However, I’m not aware of the system trying to use any secondary sorting method, so if two people post the same item for the same BID price, but different BUYOUT prices, I actually don’t think it will consistently display them in terms of order.

It isn’t a scam to set a bid price to determine your place “in line”

This is all very interesting but no one believes you that you successfully reported someone using the AH.