Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

Tell her to hmu… i’ll make her feel better :wink:

You seriously don’t know what “Terms of service” is? That explains why you paid 2500 gold for a mana pot and think you got scammed. I’m wondering how often you just “click” without reading?

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I didn’t ask for you to explain it to me, I asked if you could direct me to it.

I bet you can’t because it doesn’t actually exist. But you could very easily prove me wrong.

You could very easily prove me wrong as well. Send me a link.

You can look it up yourself. I gave you the resource, and it is provided by Blizzard. Stop dancing around it and read it if you’re so inclined to read it.

I can’t look something up that doesn’t exist, sorry.

You are so full of BS, you had a TERMS OF SERVICE box pop up the moment you log into WoW for the first time on a new account. You can’t play the game without accepting those terms. It automatically closes your client if you decline.

This is a life lesson. Pay attention to details. This not on Blizzard to fix as this was easily avoided if your friend used their brain.

ouch, but unfortunately people use addons to quick buy and sometimes it happens

Technically speaking, the TOS was blended into the End User License Agreement or EULA and are both one and the same now.

And no, posting something on the AH and having someone buy it is absolutely not against any rules nor would Blizz do anything to the seller. The onus is on the buyer to be aware of the price they’re paying for an item or items.

Hmm, still don’t see a link. Thought it would really easy to do. It’s almost like you can’t find it because it doesn’t exist.

What a shame!

It is part of the EULA (End user license agreeement) located here.


Oh no, google is hard to use. How you’re able to play the game and not use a search engine is impressive.

Wow, a link to something that is not called “TOS” but has a completely different legal term? Interesting…

Oh, I knew what to google. I just knew what it was called and you didn’t.

I googled “World of Warcraft Terms of Service Agreement” and it was the 2nd link on google. You need a picture of that too?

And so you admit to purposefully being obtuse.

And the reason you paid 2500 gold is because apparently you are illiterate, computer illiterate, and apparently also willfully ignorant.

Yeah, and you ended up with EULA which is not the same as TOS. These are legal terms, by the way.

That’s EULA, which is not the same as TOS.

“End User Licensing Agreement” Is very much a Terms of Service agreement thank you very much, and as such it was the original name of the agreement for the longest time.

Nope. If it was the same, they’d call it such. These are legal terms. You don’t just interchange words of legal terminology any which way you please.

There used to be a separate EULA and TOS, but many years ago now (believe it was announced on the previous iteration of the forums), Blizz decided to put them together into one single document. It’s the same legal document now instead of two separate ones.

In essence, they are indeed now the exact same document.

As already stated, the “Terms of Service” is part of the EULA. If you cannot be bothered to read what you agreed to, that is not my fault.