Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

That’s fine. That would be an acceptable change. I don’t want a change that is arbitrary in limiting auctions.

Just spoke with several guild members and it is time for a class action lawsuit on this.

Not so much “smarter than me” but smart enough to know that there are stupid, impatient people out there who need to learn to slow down and read the darned prompts.

Think of it as a teaching moment, with a high tutorage fee.

I’m not sure what the API for the AH reveals in BC Classic - I don’t play there. I did it the first time around and don’t recall getting burned on AH, ever, but I’m a touch OCD and very math-minded, number-minded, fact-minded and even in Retail which DOES have sorting the way you would like, I look carefully before I buy.

So they have to have the “right” amount of stupid to be taken advantage of?

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You know, that’s just about exactly it.

They have to be bright enough to have accumulated the money and dumb enough not to know how to spend it wisely.

Given the financial fate of most lottery winners, I’d say the game pretty fairly mimics reality in this case.


Roger that.

I can tell you that I have reported a player for posting those kinds of Auctions and received a notice from Blizzard that they had actioned against at least one account (I’ve only reported one player in TBC and it was for 1s post 811g buyout on literally every item in the game, those listings are there for nefarious purposes and against Tos hence the action) Their postings disappeared for 3 days then reappeared like nothing ever happen. Knowing what we know about how Blizzard likes to come down hard when people won’t quit doing whatever they got in trouble for the first time I wholeheartedly encourage everyone to report these clowns. While they may not give back your guildie’s gold we can in a concerted effort put an end to these kinds of scam posts on the AH because they are taking action. Just putting that out there.

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I call BS on this.

Blizzard has a firm policy of NOT releasing any information that they have or have not taken disciplinary action under any circumstances.

You may have seen the auctions disappear (possibly because they worked?) but Blizzard did not contact you and tell you they had taken action against an account. They do not do that.

The message said they do not provide specifics but that a report I made resulted in action taken against one or more accounts. I know what it was for because I only reported one person. It was in game mail from a GM with the official Blizzard logo as the icon. Call what you want, when I opened my mail I was confused, been playing since 08 and never seen that. My son said it’s a new TBC only thing.

Yes they absolutely did send me the message. What is the point of me as a very busy 40 year old adult that runs 2 businesses plus a side job and a family with 4 children coming here and making up stories. It’s against my personal spiritual beliefs to make up stories and I do not appreciate being called a liar.

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Blizzard will not do anything about it.

The player that posted an auction like this did nothing wrong and it is the player that bought it without looking’s fault for not paying closer attention.

Blizzard will NEVER get involved in a legitimate AH transaction and this is a 100% legit one.

What you got is an automated response almost EVERYONE gets when they file a report. Action can be anything from, we looked and it was all legit, up to banning.

If they did anything in this particular circustance, was to look over the transaction, decide nothing was done wrong, and sent you a “pacify you” email. I will put money on that player having nothing done to them and the AH post remained. I am free to post anything I want on the AH for any price I want, if you are silly enough to not look and buy it, that is your fault. Blizzard will do nothing about it.

This. Definitely this.

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Well, now, this is interesting.

Can you prove this?

Can you disprove it?

Yes, by using the same amount of evidence you use to prove it.

Whatever dude. That circular logic proves you have no real thing to contribute to the argument so you are attempting to discredit others.

You swoop in here with your “Prove it” post and act like you just contributed something valuable to the discussion, but have only shown you really have nothing to add to it.

Go back the kidde table, the adults are talking.

The argument?

I’d like to see this as well because what they are doing is not against the ToS and we have plenty of evidence over the years where Blizzard has never intervened in such behavior. And the more you have to “validate” yourself by giving us credentials the less believable you become. Even Saints can be liars, and if a story causes “no real harm” it’s a lot easier for people to tell said story. It’s human nature with years of psychological research behind it.

Please direct me to this “ToS” you speak of.

Terms of Service, the very thing you click “I agree to” when you start up an account or at the beginning of every new expansion. Not to mention we have an ongoing game called “Retail” that this very behavior still very much continues to happen. You are responsible for paying attention to what you do, the AH is a community driven market where the item is only worth what you’ll pay. If you are irresponsible enough to pay 9k gold for one linen, that’s on you. Just as it’s on me to list a 1k gold item for 1g. I don’t get my item back and the buyer gets his 1g back just as you’ll never get your 9k back for the one linen. You confirmed and accepted the price.

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Like has been stated many many times. Because people click without reading and confirm they want to buy 1 linen cloth for 999 gold.

I mean if people half …Ed payed attention people would stop doing that.

Since people like the op will willingly pay 2500 gold for a mana pot we post stuff like that.

If no one bought a mana pot for 2500 gold no one would post it like that.