Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

724 posts to discuss someone not paying attention to what they are doing and being mad about it.
Good grief.

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Which has been my point from the start, before people starting digressing into “super cool rap# and assault analogies!”

It is, you’re talking about the severity, but you keep pointing to the jumbled order, which doesn’t care about being 1g or 1,000g different from the average market value of that day. If the jumbled order is the problem, the cost differential is irrelevant.

This is intended, and you lose a deposit.

“It isn’t lying, it is DISHONEST”

Really splitting hairs there to come to a flimsy moral condemnation eh?

What I’m pointing out is that it’s not jumbled, it sorted in a very specific way. Which is of course what enables people to pull this scam in the first place as they can abuse that sort order.

Say you never paid attention in school without saying you never paid attention in school.
I’ll try to spell it out for the slower members.
Dishonest does not equal scam, but scam does equal dishonest.
You may have trouble wrapping your head around that, and that’s okay.

Attempting to take advantage of a person’s failure to pay absolute attention at a given point in time makes you just as much of a scumbag as the people that say the behavior is totally okay.


It’s not dishonest. The seller didn’t snipe a price change at the last moment or lie about it.

It may be a tax on the stupid or the “too twitchy to pay attention to TWO confirmation dialogs” but it’s not dishonest.

is it dishonest when the game puts a window in your screen asking if you are really sure you want to pay a price for an item?

Exactly, I randomly selected a quest reward and it’s not what I wanted

“Blizzard is scamming customers with illicit illegal activity that should get any and all programmers life in maximum security prisons for taking advantage of me”

Blizzard isn’t actively trying to trick you, AH scammers are, it’s a not very subtle difference.

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It’s pretty simple. You click “Buyout” on an auction. THEN a message box appears in the middle of your screen which wants you to confirm that you wish to purchase that item with the price tag. You can accept that price or deny that price.

Insert man sweating with two buttons image.


Apparently we need a waiver to get on the AH. Please print, wet sign, scan, email blizzard, and wait 7-10 business days before entering the AH.

All sellers must be real ID verified.

All auctions must have 3 step verification including a text to your phone listing all available info on the item in question.

6 read me files discussions the pros and cons of linen cloth or whatever item you wanted to buy.

A complete historical price map of the item since it’s introduction to wow.

A survey of every wow player blizzard can get in touch with, stating a fair price.

A pop up window that covers your screen. Are you sure?

A second pop up that asks if your sure.

An email confirming the purchase.

Actual letter in the mail confirming the purchase.

A final window explaining how your purchase has been halted because back on step one you you forgot to check the “I agree, I want to buy” button. Please start over.

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Noone is saying it’s not easy to spot, that doesn’t make it not a scum bag thing to do.


Or just let us sort by buyout amount.


Not good enough. Someone might over pay by 1cc.

That’s fine, you simply don’t understand the issue.

hopefully the 2500g potion gets put into bank storage.

must be some unique item paying that much

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Tell me why people put outrageous prices on certain items, at random, and intermix them with prices that are more regular. I want to know why you think I can be purchasing Arcane Dust for 1.5g apiece and the, suddenly, I come across one that has the same bidding price as the ones I’ve been buying but the buyout price is 991g.

Let me know why not one, but several people commonly put a 991g price on Arcane Dust on a regular basis and intermix that with others that cost 1.5g.


Betting on the stupidity and carelessness of buyers isn’t a scam or dishonest.

It’s good sense.

People can price items however they see fit, just like how people always whisper “1g” for trade chat advertisements for epics.

Was I scamming people when I stockpiled whelps pets and NR/FrR gear in p1-2 and sold for significantly higher prices? After all, the standard price was much lower when I bought them.

Do you want all consumables to have standard prices that never change? You just farm them from an open world and vender them then that same vender has an unlimited supply they can dish out for a price?

Several people probably put arcane dust that high in price because dumb people buy them.

Question avoided, I see.

So, you’re saying if I’m smarter than you, I can just take advantage of you as I please? Good to know.

Question avoided here too.

I want to be able to sort the AH by bidding and buyout. Period.

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