Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

It the point of this thread is that I am a scammer.

Morality is subjective. I am not a bad person for how I play a video game.

How about we just cap all auctions. Nothing can have a bid lower than 50cc and can not have a buy out higher than 1 silver.

All auctions must have a buy out.

Ergo get rid of the AH and everyone will have to actively sell their stuff. There will be zero chance of anything going wrong there.

According to this thread, you where the victim of a malicious and unethical scam. Blizzard should have given that gold or item back to you.

You mean like asking if you want to buy x for Y gold?

Or just be a decent person, and not try to exploit others for mistakes.

You know exactly what you are doing. This is almost like putting a clause in a banking contract, saying if you mistype your pin at any time while making a transaction, you will be charged. Knowing a few people aren’t going to read the contract and will make the mistake. Yes it’s still the customer’s fault, but it’s still a crappy move on the banks end.

I get it’s a game, I get it’s not the best system in place. I get people should be reading and paying attention. But the only reason they should be paying attention in this case, is because other people are willing to exploit them. Sounds like a bad person. Maybe not in real life. But a bad person for this video game in general.

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Let’s regulate the AH. Have blizzard set fixed prices on everything. No need to guess what the cost is, it’s fixed.

or, hear me out here…

put a few more sorting options in to help ameliorate AH scams

Not the same. Now you want contracts to sell on the AH?

I think that’s fair.

I still think the buyer is responsible for not reading the auction warning text. But there’s a lot Bliz could do to modernise and improve the AH interface. It’s the kind of change that I think fits within the core game and stands to only improve the game as a whole.

This is precisely the kind of “not fraud” that people will whine about, but receive zero compensation for running afoul of. You’re supposed to read your contracts, that’s not sneaky or deceptive or bad or immoral if you sign something that you didn’t read and now have to perform under the contract.

I’m in favor of this.

These are the types of mistakes people make, unfortunately. It’s 100% your guildie’s fault and I hope she learned a valuable lession from all of this: pay attention to how you’re spending your money. There’s unfair people everywhere and you need to be on the lookout for them and their BS.

I’m down for more sorting options. That doesn’t solve the problem of blind clicking and random purchasing.

It doesn’t solve the problem of people being stupid.

No matter how many options you put in place, people will still “accidentally” buy over priced items.

No matter what the options are there will be those who refuse to use them.

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Finally, something we can agree on

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Sham of the CS team doesn’t revert these types of scams, and from what I’ve seen just removes the scammer’s gold rather than give it back to the victim.

Something that would 100% of been fixed by actual GM’s of the past to not make this customer’s life a living hell on Azeroth.

I don’t blame her for quitting b/c the CS team refuses to do their job and help her. At least help out scam victims on the first offense…

Didn’t say that. Didn’t say I wanted a fix or anything changed. I just said you’re kinda shady/bad person. Its an opinion for what type of player you are on a video game.

You are more than welcome to try and provide reasons why you’re not doing anything shady, but deflecting to avoid the point doesn’t help Change my opinion. And you may or may not care, but I just wanted to voice my opinion of what I think of when it comes to players who do this.

I already said it’s on the person for not reading the contract. It’s fine you don’t think it’s shady, I do.

And again, I’m not trying to change or get refunded or do anything. I just wanted to clearly state my opinion. And I think people who do this kinda crap are bad people. Nothing has been said to provide me with reason otherwise. Nobody does this to help people, only take advantage of them. All sounds bad.

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This would have never been done. Blizzard never regulated the AH and if you purchased on the ah you did so at your own risk.

Why? Because there is zero risk of buying the wrong thing unless you are…. Say it with me…….

Valuable lesson learned

This is what I take issue with. You make a moral condemnation on the basis that… people fail to read? If personal responsibility is anything to you, then you by definition, have to accept the fact that people will make POOR decisions if free to do so, and those poor decisions will harm them and those around them in some way.

Contract law in particular has changed a lot over the years and plenty of clauses and terms have been narrowed and defined in ways to keep people safer from predatory practices, but you can’t legislate away any opportunity for “I didn’t know and it isn’t fair!” unless you literally force a model contract by the State and then ensure everyone is educated yearly on its use and application. With freedom comes the rewards of success and pains of screwing up.

We agree, people are at fault for not reading contracts and what not.

My point had nothing to do with that. I’m taking a typical contract, a banking contract, where we all know that entering your pin incorrectly would never result in you being charged for it. Now adding that clause in hopes someone will overlook it, that’s a shady thing to do.

Maybe that analogy doesn’t work for you. So let’s do it this way. Amazon, people make purchases on here all the time. What if Amazon decided randomly to change your standard quantity count to 99 instead of 1, randomly. Not every item you buy, but just random items will automatically set it to 99.

Now you ask Amazon why, and they tell you because we are just trying to gouge some people. It’s not against the law, people can switch their quantity back to 1 or whatever they do choose, but it’s still damn shady to do this.

Edit: My point is, its boarder lining right and wrong. You take advantage of someone without breaking the rules. Even it’s because the person is in hurry, ignorant, or just plain stupid. The only point of pricing things on the AH like this, is to take advantage of people. If that’s all you’re trying to accomplish with the task, that is bad.

Not always. You cannot make blanket statements when dealing with the law. Generally speaking, a contract is voidable if the party to the contract was under the influence of alcohol or drugs and the other party had reason to know of the impairment caused by the drugs or alcohol. The Court would weigh factors such as whether or not the non impaired party gave the person the alcohol or drugs, etc.

Onto the topic at hand. I’d be willing to bet there is some degree of “assumption of the risk” when dealing with the WoW Auction House and thus the person in question is SOL.

As far as being able to get blizzard to do anything about it the person is. That does not however mean the people pulling this scam aren’t dbags. Or that blizzard shouldn’t do something simple to prevent the issue up front like allow us to sort by buy out price.