Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

yes, that is their position, one they are taking up disingenuously, in order to defend the actions of scammers.

If you are so stupid that you just randomly click without reading, use two step purchasing, and pay to much…. That’s on you.

Yeah I do, do this type of selling. It’s extremely profitable. I’m not scamming you, I’m taking advantage of your purchasing habits.

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I mean it’s an internet forum and you clearly know how to use a search feature. Go ahead and find the quote where I mention anything even remotely related to sexual assault. I know I didn’t… because I wouldnt. You are literally the only one who brought it up in my conversation with you. I’m sorry you’re confused

Ok buddy. Well quote away. You’ll sure make me look foolish when you prove me wrong wont you! I’ll wait

Of course, how could I not agree with you now that you’ve shown us all what an honest and forthright guy you are lol

I also appreciate that you’ve been able to detach yourself from this and present your argument with such pristine and unassailable logic. It must be hard to do considering you have a direct interest in this. Why, it would be foolish NOT to listen to you.

Holy crap the conversation and quotes were to THREE DIFFERENT PEOPLE. You do realize that if you scroll up you’ll see I responded in the same post to multiple people, not just you. And I already laid out the entire chain of events and here you are, lying.

This is inane. Disagreements are one thing but now you’re just flatly lying about me and accusing me of things I haven’t done, and those accusations aren’t minor little things either. I don’t now why you’re being a tool, but stop.

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You claimed I made some specious comparison involving sexual assault, and doubled down accusing me of lying when I said you’re very clearly confused (which you clearly are as you’ve been unable to find any quotes supporting any of that.) I definitely never, and would never, bring up any of the above because I dont think topics like assault have any business in a video game forum in any context. Ever. No matter how many e-points you think you’ll win or how much more like a lawyer you think you’ll seem by citing rape statutes. Your arguments are simple enough to slap down without using analogies involving potentially triggering subjects… on a video game forum.

And as such, I’d highly highly suggest you drop this topic.

Buyer’s remorse doesn’t indicate a scam. It kicks in for gym memberships, house purchases, car purchases, insurance, and all sorts of stuff inbetween. And guess what? If you buy something like that and get a perfectly working item then you own it. The seller’s unwillingness to refund when your only issue is: “But I want it” isn’t a scam. Large numbers of stores have no refund policies because of things like this.

Attempting to “expose” someone as a non-scammer because they understand purchasing decisions seems like an interesting choice, but I think it speaks more about your morals when you think your feelings should overwrite how things actually happened. You guys calling this a scam strike me more and more as the type of people who call your credit card companies and report cards stolen after you made big purchases. “They don’t want to refund me? Charge back… didn’t work? Stolen identity!”

Pretty easy not to set your house on fire, I don’t think the Fire Department should do anything.

Pretty easy not to get mugged I don’t think the Police should do anything.

Yes you can be more careful to avoid things like this but all people get distracted and accidents happen. Why do you want people to suffer for an accident which benefits someone with clear malevolent intent?


I was cutting some vegetables the other day and cut my finger.

After some thought I voluntarily checked myself into the 23 hour psychiatric obs unit for knowingly harming myself.

I think I’ve gotten the help I need, and between my new meds and intensive therapy, I believe I’ll never make a mistake or suffer a moment of inattention every again.

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Funny how internet forums work. It’s almost like if you said a thing, ITS STILL THERE when you try to lie about it 3 hours later.

I did no such thing!

I never said YOU made the comparison, I did. Holy crap… YOU ACTUALLY DON’T READ.

You, that is YOU, Bearhands, dug in your heels in trying to argue valid defenses and equitable remedies for DUI/DWI based on a, that is mine, that is Fasc, one-off comparison between alcohol/drunkenness thresholds for DUI vs sexual assault vs contract formation.

I did that in response to Bodicca, and you, that is YOU, Bearhands, tore into me about DUI’s having a host of defenses and rebuttals.


You’re an idiot.

Everything I already posted above was happening and we were talking about defenses at this point you absolute SPOON. Bodicca had already started talking about it and since you went into when defenses are or are not permitted, it was a comparison of those kinds of defenses.

I’m done.

You’re frustratingly vile.

EDIT: Just forever muting you. Congrats.

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I was talking about DUI’s. You made a HARD LEFT into R and assault without any prompt whatsoever, because you thought it was a SOLID ANALOGY that would win you e-points.

But I’M the vile one. Right.

:woman_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

They need to pop a confirmation when the price is that out of whack.

… Wrong

What if there was a pop up confirmation all the time?

I don’t think that is needed. Would be AIDS if something was sold in 1 stacks

Seems like a cowards move. I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and call a truce. I don’t actually dislike you, I think you just got way too into the weeds here and started arguing for arguments sake, and perhaps strayed into territory you should have steered clear of. It happens, I wont hate you forever for it.

Who is judging the price being out of whack? Who is controlling the prices at that point?
Are we going to do the same thing for someone who lists a blue for 40g, or a green for 20g when enchanting gets a change and needs a ton of mats?

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They have the auction data. If something is inflated by 2000 percent it would be easy to catch, lol

Not a scammer, just a bad person.