Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

Does the FTC apply to public and private auctions?

Exactly. There is nothing deceptive happening here. The bid price is clearly listed, the buyout price is clearly listed. If you buyout a 2000g auction by mistake, it’s no ones fault but your own.


I love the people acting like financial experts and bringing in actual subjects of fraud and what exactly is a “scam” when it comes to economics…

This is an Auction House used to sell items in a VIDEO GAME… You put an item in the Auction House and you put a price on it… People either buy it or they don’t.


And I often wonder how anyone can really believe the FBI is calling their house to demand payment in Best Buy gift cards…

How credible a scam it is doesn’t change the fact that it is, obviously, still a scam

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Buyers fault for not reading the auction close enough. A good way to avoid this is to keep a majority of your gold on a bank toon and only 40-50g on your main. If you need to buy something bigger…just transfer the amount over (mail is instant now in TBC).

Maybe slower…but you won’t make this mistake.

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The FTC is an organization that enforces Consumer Protection Laws, it itself does not “apply” to anything. But yes those laws absolutely apply to public and private auctions

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You guys are either literally brain damaged or just the most disingenuous people I’ve ever encountered. Its not MY verbiage, it’s the FTC’s, and you conveniently left out the part where they very very clearly define what “deceptive” means


Thanks for clearing that up. If you can’t follow the argument there’s no shame in just sitting it out. I promise you no one will miss your “contributions”

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My point is your argument is based out of stupidity… It’s pointless. But you do you boo

My point is you have no point so you should just sit it out. Because you’re clearly not equipped to engage in even this very very basic discussion

Still no sort by buyout tab though unfortunately.

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Okay yes please educate the World of Warcraft forums about the details of the FTC and financial fraud. And I’ll continue to reply when and if I want


I didnt bring my crayons or sock puppets so I doubt I’ll be able to get this across to you but I’m gonna give it a quick try anyway.

There are literally like 400 posts by people with arguments like “yOu wOuLd Lose In cOuRt” and “ApPles sIgn $500” and “bUt pOlIce nO cArE.” I pointed out that there are consumer protections in real life, its just not the Police who enforce them

It was a very simple thread. I figured even on these forums everyone would be able to follow.

I was wrong

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This is akin to buying diet pills and then being upset that you haven’t lost weight because you also didn’t change your eating habits.

The company said they burn calories and fat, so why do I need to change my eating habits?

That’s negligence, just like not READING the buyout totals.

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Wow you’re so smart you must know everything. Good thing you were here on the WoW forums when you were… who knows what sort of wrong things people would have said about the FTC

I’m mostly here to read analogies.


Thanks BB :kissing_heart:

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I would argue that endorsing broken systems that hurt people is pathological.


go play retail then?

this is a cut-throat videogame world where its on YOU to make your toons succeed, there is no welfare state in burning crusade to save you and there doesn’t need to be one. There are consequences for your actions in game and buying out an item without looking at the buyout price is pants-on-head silly and no she doesn’t deserve help and the base-AH is awful and nobody should use it anyway, auctionbuddy is better, auctioneer is better and has inbuilt buyout check-controls to stop this sort of thing, she can use those.

Also furthermore, imagine living such a sad life that you simp for your female guildie who’s room temp IQ got her into trouble and did something dumb that was 100% her fault and you’ve spent 1hour+ defending her actions on the internet with ridiculous consumer law analogies on the wow forums. Imagine that lmfao.