Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

Real shame I wasn’t using it to say it applied directly to this situation because otherwise you might have had a point. You tried to argue companies are free to set their own prices because this is America with a free market. Thinking America is truly a free market is silly. It isn’t, there are limitations on everything for various reasons.

It’s fine though. I can tell based on these conversations with people I’m talking to that they do not work in anything that allows them a glimpse into how the legal world operates.

Stay ignorant.

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She was not scammed, she was too clicky with the purchase. you are aasked to confirm the transaction, she did.

Maybe now going forward she will be a little less careless.

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Well were talking about this situation. Wasn’t aware that you were just refering to any and all situations.

“Moving the goalposts to fit your argument” so to say

Stay salty!

Just because you didn’t notice you were being scammed doesn’t mean it’s not a scam. I don’t understand this attitude you have towards it. like the OPs friend deserves to be scammed because she wasn’t watching out for scams? Is that the life you wanna live, constantly on the look out for scams because if they get you, “it’s on you”?


Then stop talking about what real world companies can do :wink:

Bruh, are we not living this right now?

Anyways you cannot tell me how much to put my auction for.

Your analogy is terrible, sorry.

A more fitting one would be:

There’s a guy selling apples behind two signs that are the exact same size. The signs read BAGS OF 20 APPLES: $1 per bag (delivered in up to 48 hours) or $1000 per bag right now. You ask him for a bag now, he swipes your card for a $1000 charge and hands you a bag of apples, and then you go on the internet and complain that you paid too much for apples.


Free market is a free market.

Your price gouging accusations do not apply…

Its not a scam

I can agree that it sux for said person. Hopefully they learned something.

Stay salty


Imagine living such a sad life you spend this much time defending an obvious scam in a video game. I legit feel a little bad for you guys


And it wouldn’t fly in the real world and I think all of you know it. Again… you guys are just really sad…

Section 5 of the FTC Act prohibits companies from utilizing “unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce”. Deceptive pricing, according to the FTC, is any pricing scheme that is likely to mislead consumers and affect consumers’ behavior or decisions about the product or services offered for sale.

The AH poster didnt break any rules

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All you have to do is flip the script. What can be considered a scam? By their terms. Almost nothing. Most would misrepresent theft as a scam.

means nothing in wow, the poster didnt break any rules. blizzard wont do anything

They don’t get it because they don’t have an understanding of how things work in the legal world. They continue to hold a notion that because it’s not essentially illegal it’s not a scam and that’s not the bar for what makes a scam a scam.

I’m basically done here. It’s true that the WoW is hands off at least as far as how the AH works, but these real life comparisons of breaking down how this would have played out in the real world breaks my brain because they are beyond ignorant on these kinds of matters.


Keep only enough gold on your main for daily expenses and send the rest to a bank alt.


Thanks man! I totally didn’t realize the FTC doesn’t enforce MMO trade and that wasn’t a response to all the people making real world analogies! Thank you so much for clearing that up!

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Fixed. But you’re exactly right otherwise


yes it is obvious. so obvious that no one should ever fall for it.

I’ve seen these low bid + overpriced buyout listing on the AH for 14 years, and my only thought has ever been, “what kind of idiot would buy that?”


I think that is their real mental sticking point. They see it from the perspective of if the AH allows it, it cannot be a scam.

Well some of them think, if ‘I’ would not fall for it. It is not a scam. Or the worse if they are ‘dumb’ enough to fall for it. It is not a scam and they deserve it.


The price is clearly listed and a second step verification is required.

Your verbiage does not apply to this situation. Claiming that an Orange is an Apple does not make it so.