Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

It sucks but there’s nothing you can do. Personally, I’ll scroll through the AH for all those 1c bid and X11g items and just bid on them. I got 15 wiz oils for under 1S last night. Helps me feel a smidge better, I recommend.

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So if you buy a cheap item from AH its ok? and you are not scamming
even though the seller miss clicked the sell price.

Why should they do anything about it? Your guildie was careless and paid the price for it. Live and learn.

Tell your guildie to get Aunctionator or something, and it’ll NEVER happen again.

They even set up the AH in such a way now by default to have the highest buyout at the very bottom. Just sheer incompetency, more than before the change.

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I know you are, but what am I?

They weren’t scammed.

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You don’t have to be “dumb” to make a mistake. Is it negligence? Absolutely. But even the most educated of people make mistakes in the name of not paying full on attention.


If you are going to buy some shoes, you check the price is 50k and you buy it… is a scam? No. Sorry.

She wasn’t lied to, tricked, or misled in any way. You can’t deceive someone on the AH. The buyout price for an item is clearly listed. Overpricing an item isn’t scamming.

She saw the price, clicked the button, and purchased it. She then got exactly what she paid for in the mail.
She scammed herself.


Yeah, I bought a stack of Runecloth in classic for 500g when I was buying it all up to level my tailoring. Sucks when that happens. She’ll learn (like I did) to pay more attention when mass buying items.

I have been playing since Vanilla and never ran into the problem of getting scammed from not paying attention in the market, you legit have everything layed out in front of you (coming from a guy who used the marketplace many times when someone should of taken my auction house keys away from me for having to many drinks x,D)

As someone who doesn’t cheat & buy gold, I would probably just go ahead & quit also if I made that sort of mistake on the poorly-designed AH.

ProTip: Always conduct business on the AH with a dedicated sell/buy alt that doesn’t carry more than 100 gold on them at any given time.

I feel sorry for the guildie in the OP and anyone else who falls for this dumb scam. and yes, it is a scam. don’t be obtuse. It’s a shame that more people aren’t upset about this.

if blizzard was a good company they would have made a change to the AH to make this kind of thing harder to do. THAT would be a good use of “#somechanges”.


I’m glad you told us this. I automatically assume everyone cheats and buys gold until they tell me they don’t. Then, naturally, I believe them.

I said it to point out that gold is hard work to come by if you aren’t a cheater & are playing the game as intended from the game’s creative vision standpoint - which is why I would quit if I made that sort of mistake & lost all my gold to a scammer.

Words to live by. Preach it!

You sound like a politician


But you just got done saying there was no scam, but then you finish it with there was a scam. hmmmm.

i am extremely moral irl. to the point where people have attacked me over it because i am consistently “too” good. that said, this is a video game from an american company. this is a free market/capitalism thing and trying to use manipulative language to make people feel bad about a free market situation while also undermining the importance of self accountability and free will really makes me doubt you’re very moral. everything you do is a choice. every day you actively choose to do good or bad things. having accountability for your actions is the only way at all to live a good or virtuous life. if you just say “nothing is my fault and such and such MADE me do xyz” that is the opposite of what you’ve been saying you believe this whole thread.


The plot thickens.