Guild Wars 2

People love fractals though, the rest sure.
But it’s FTP and you need to generate revenue somewhere or your game dies.

If all games have player driven goals in them, and you said all games should have player driven goals, what are you even arguing? If you don’t want them to be purely player driven, and there are player driven aspects in ever single MMO, what are you even wanting? You’re arguing that games stay the way they are.

Oh for sure. It’s better than M+. But they could have taken so many better things. Combat system to start…

Dude, I’m not going to repeat myself again as it’s literally a few posts up for you to read.
I’ll summarize since you obviously lack the comprehension.
You began this whole thing with:

“Too many player driven goals bad, bad for game, people leave cause game bad.” (Yes not exactly what you said, but if you’re going to act like a caveman I am going to treat you like one).

I responded, players driven goals are good and something people have wanted in the genre for years and something that they should continue to focus on.

You responded:

“Player driven goal bad, nobody want sandbox, open bad, me want game on rails.”

But I never said squat about sandbox or open content based games lol. You keep shifting away from your original point which I’ll add again:

“Player driven goal bad, me want less player driven goals.”

Quite literally making you the only person I have encountered in 20+ years of MMOs who has ever made an opinion like that.

I am arguing that games need MORE player driven goals and player driven content, not on the rail gameplay which is what we have now in WoW. Yet again you:

“Player driven goal bad. We already have some. What you want more for?”

Did you understand that better?

Forgive the rudeness, but I’ve been patient and laid out exactly my points, but you’re being obtuse and incredibly disingenuous and I no longer have the patience for that, so I will continue to acknowledge you as a caveman until you actually engage with what is being discussed. Because, again:

“Player driven goals bad”

Is quite literally the DUMBEST statement I have ever heard, quite literally ever, in an MMO.

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Would be great if everyone could dodge…

Ok maybe I’ll play

Base game is free, buy Path of Fire expansion and get Heart of Thorns expansion free.

Played it for two years.

Nice try.

Literally…nice try.

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A clear path with linear progression in terms of gearing is attractive to me. Entirely because of pvp. That said, even in wvw, you don’t just login to gw2 and have full ascended, let alone ascended sets in various stat configurations unless you’ve played the game for a very long time and diligently. So I agree with Makali, that this whole “nothing to do”, “no direction” is a huge cop-out excuse.

Yes, of course, once you do have your full set of ascended gear, you’re technically done as far as player power is concerned but there’s almost a 100% chance that your gear set isn’t at all optimal for any other spec. The only real difference here is, you still have to grind for gear quite a bit, you’re just not grinding for higher ilvl for the express sole purpose of seeing ooooooo big numbers! That inevitably scale beyond control (thanks wow for this history lesson). It’s crazy how many people have trouble getting over this hurdle, mentally.

The other thing, achievements while somewhat similar to wow, function way more like a questing system/quest line system of sorts. Not like traditional questing in wow with a ! and ?. Again, people lacking some level of expected acumen fail to see it. I do like traditional questing, in wow and 14, etc. but I also like gw2’s take on it.

Honestly I love the game but it always ran like hot garbage for me even though I can max wow bdo eso ffxiv tried everything on an think of anyone got any tips hit me up

Pervasive cash shop
Awful combat
No trinity
Horrible graphical optimization (and I do mean horrible)
Awful zone segmentation / insta travel system (a blight on any game that calls itself an MMO)
Timelocked storylines
Significant amount of world content that requires large groups to coordinate

I mean, it’s a cool game in a lot of respects, but all of the above tends to remove the fun element for me.

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Never had an issue with GW2 but I have that exact same issue when I try to play LOTRO. I would like to play it but for some reason that game does not like my PC.

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I think the difference is what you value in a story.

GW2’s story is pretty generic but the characterisation is a million times better than WoW’s and personally i tend to like character-heavy stories a lot more. Every character in Dragon’s Watch is interesting in some way and has some kind of relationship with the Player Character on top of being well written and acted.

Even our playable character, while still remaining a fairly generic fantasy hero, has some good moments.

It does suck that they had to give up their original storytelling vision though, even though i get it was overly ambitious.

That’s a weird take, i personally always played it solo, as a matter of fact i picked it up because it was super solo friendly thanks to its soloQ system in PvP and extensive solo stpry mode and just general amount of thing to do while solo in maps.

I find the group play aspects of it to be its weak point.

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I never mentioned dungeons. Dungeons in the game are crap, which is why I omitted them. And just because you dislike JPs doesn’t mean it isn’t content to keep you busy.

Apparently they working on adding a lot of replayability which is sick, and what GW2 needs a bit of right now.

Fishing too? Sign me up.

LEL True, but that’s because the WoW crowd are as thick as pig sheet.

Besides, gold in GW2 is so damn hard to get a hold of. I went from thousands to 50 odd, and every time I log on, see that 50g in my wallet… I get depressed and log off LEL

Convert it to gold and give me all your coin, Sir :joy:

You can use them in any zone

I’m really interested in these wvw changes to keep the maps populated most or all of the time. Supposedly that’s hitting before the next expansion launches too.