Guild tabard Referencing Hate Group

God wills it!!

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And it’s done. Hope it triggers moar people with their silliness.

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Christians also were in the death camps…sooooo…yeah…

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There isn’t a hate group in every symbol and around every corner, there isn’t the devil in every graffitied pentagram, there isn’t a ghost in every old, abandoned house, and the boogeyman doesn’t live under your bed OP.


is Tupa"s vacation over already?

im still trying to figure out if that anime’s cross is based off the knights of st john or the knights templar or the knights of malta.

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Only if you’re applying todays standards to something that happened hundreds of years ago… which would be sorta idiotic.


“Calm down, it’s just anime”

The anime:

It should be the Charlie Chaplin :angry:

We can both agree on this!

This more likely is tied to the tabards Crusaders used to wear for the church…

German Workers Party. That was the beginning of the National Socialist Party anyways.

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Hi kirbo!
Idk if you remember me, I was a blood elf hunter that used to ask for magical pet biscuits. I’m a night elf now.
I just wanted to say the fact that I know exactly who is in the picture and i’ve met you before makes this thread 10/10.
(I’m pretty sure he’s going for the templar look. but I have a theory as to why you made this thread lol)

It’s ridiculous that a fantasy universe game has a symbol like that in it. Are the devs so un-creative they couldn’t have used fantasy universe symbols instead of easily hijacked, charged things like that?
(Remember Christian Crusaders wore that or something like it while invading and attacking Muslims in the Holy Land during the crusades)

WoW should be something people of all faiths (and those of none) can enjoy. And it should be a fantasy universe taken seriously and divorced from the real world including unambiguously real world charged religious symbolism that to this day is embraced by many shall we say problematic types who are drawn to fantasy spaces.

Things like this are really the tell about Warcraft and its lore. Many of us hoped that the silly things like this would diminish over time, that the lore would get more serious and be taken more seriously and it would be more divorced from real world low-fantasy nonsense like this. Sadly the opposite has happened.

Blizzard did a pass to remove sexist and racist jokes and flirts, they should do a pass to remove abominations to the lore like this. It’s immersion ruining to have people running around wearing things like that in what’s supposed to be a fantasy universe.

And yes it does draw in fascists and racists, real world extremists and the like to have things like that which cater to them and their hateful mythology. I’m not saying design the game around denying anything they could use as a hold (the whole Scarlet Crusade thing is obviously something these types love), but I am saying get rid of real world religious iconography with a history like this one has and more importantly than a history, an active present of being used by extremists and bigots in online fantasy spaces.

People are always really surprised to realize that the OG people that world built for this game are about as incompetent as our current teams. In the older warcraft games there was no “The Light” it was just “God” and stripped right out of Christian myth. I reckon about 50% of the story in older warcraft games is just ripped off material.

Well if you are going this direction. Remove all the Celtic / Nordic inspirations that are tied to the Ironforge, Wildhammer and Darkiron Dwarves, as similar hate groups use the knotworks, tattoos and imagery.

Remove the Mayan / Aztec inspirations for Darkspear and Zandalari trolls as a well know violent gang and cartel uses their imagery and symbols, as well Voodoo/hoodoo influence, despite WoW being the only one of very few media outlets that depicts it in a non harmful manner - it may mislead and paint further misinterpretations on the real world religions.

As well remove the Romani imagery placed on Vulpera, as it reinforces a negative and racial stereotype that has been haunting them for multiple millennias. As well as the harsh obvious twofold racial parody that sits with Goblins.

Not to include the Wicker Theme from Kul’ts and Gilneas as it paints and misleads the concept of Wicca.

Among many others with in the game…

Edit… just noticed I replied to you and not the thread as a whole. Meh, whats done is done.


Idk eventualy everything wil become subverted return to orgin and subvetred again then what will people cancel?

Just because something represents one thing for one movment dosnt mean it cant mean something for someone else, Inretrospect i after digging a little it is imo a little weird that triangles are showing up in certain multicolor flags as what a triangle was used for by a certain german party in the past and part of the reason that certain multicolor flag was aparently created in the first place.

Whole argument of multicolord flag being approiapted/usedd in addtion to another religion as a sign of peace promise after destroying the world for such things as which the multicolored flag now represent asside.

not taking one side or another just pointing out two examples of how something went from being bad to now good? Or vice versa in the second one depending on your personal viewpoint.

Imo just because it exist dosnt mean its pushing something nefarious, it could or it could not, it needs more context.

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The first time I ever saw this tabard I thought to myself ‘bet the guy who made this guild works for the Red Cross’ but I’m old what do I know.

I agree, and free accounts should be ban, so they don’t get to stir the pot in our community.

If you played the game you would know that other faiths and those of none are included.

If you focus your life on hate that’s all you’re going to see. I’m sorry someone did this to you. Let it go friend.

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