Guild tabard Referencing Hate Group

What does this mean ? Please rewrite in a coherent sentence. Proofreading, before hitting the submit button, would be beneficial.

It’s all subjective of what you or anybody else sees in an image. If you showed the American flag to some people you’d probably get the same or worse reaction. Should it be banned or removed? Not IMO. It is just that some people have been subjected to things others haven’t so they perceive things differently.

I for one am against WoW removing more stuff from the game. Even though I don’t use emotes that much I did not like them removing them. The DS Troll is not as fun without those silly emotes. The spit emote has been used on me and I’ve used it back pre-2012 when I used to PvP but I didn’t cry “They spit on me” I took it, gave it back and moved on. It’s a game and not real life.

The more we remove from games the less one can make a unique character and the more one gets funneled, like the terrible classes/specs, into homogenization. I will always be about giving gamers, and people IRL, more choices to make decisions and not less.

To each their own.

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So, people are going through and mass flagging posts.

The post I’d made explaining the history of the Templars was flagged and removed, because it was somehow hate speech. I don’t know how any reasonable person could think that it was upsetting content, which means I’m assuming trolls are flagging posts.

What’s more confusing is that the post was reviewed by a mod, and the mod ALSO thought that it was upsetting. Literally just stating the history of the Templars. There was no profanity used, it was in response to another post and on topic.

Seriously, mods, what are you doing?

This post will obviously be flagged as well, but, I’m going to say what I want to say, especially when the things I say are well within the ToS.


Wait, so the mods restored this? I’ve lost all faith.


You’re desperately grasping for straws.

The Crusades were a response to an act of aggression, so you are incorrect.


“Kill them all. God will recognize His own.”

So very loving.

Another person ignorant of what the Crusades are. Yall are embarrassing yourselves. :rofl:

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I remember what you wrote, it wasn’t inflammatory, rude or vile in any way. I’m really surprised that it was nuked. :open_mouth:

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Is this a troll post? It’s clear a knights templar reference. No harm in a dead group 700+ years old

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That tabard triggers my assassin’s creed! :rage:

they were a little outside their designated area… all they had to do was flee and they would’ve lived.

This is a bit of a reach. If I had to guess I would assume your skin doesn’t have much melanin.

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Man its crazy the lengths people are going out of their way to get offended by everything.


This reminds me of a few years back I saw some activist blog criticizing a game set in viking Scandinavia, complaining about the authentic viking runes they were using were “frequently used by the alt right.” I of course pointed out the article was written in English, a language frequently by the alt right. :clown_face:

There comes a point where you’re a modern puritan looking for modern witches to burn. You’ve reached that point.


Are you one of those people that scours the internet trying to find things to be offended about then posts about them?

Stay woke brother.


Not to be a contrarian but uh… is this not a real world symbol? This feels a little… on the nose lol. :cold_face: U could say its “not” but yeah uh….

dude Ree harder.

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My brain hurts sometimes when I read the forums.

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This is akin to the people confusing hindu swastika with that german party one

California acknowledged the distinction between the two