Guild tabard Referencing Hate Group

you … don’t consider yourself to be ‘best’ ?

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The words of a holy warrior triggers the furry’s corrupted soul.


Only one that surprised me was the holocaust. Don’t know if it could be hung on the Christian’s neck. The German political party whose name I can’t post were frigging insane and demented.


I’m not part of anything to do with you for sure.
Who is ‘we’?

tell me this wasnt epic AF.

As someone who is not a expert in symbols but has watched The Da Vinci Code a number of times it is my opinion that these are very different symbols and don’t represent the same thing.

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They weren’t acting in the name of a religion that I am aware but they were connected to religious beliefs, so yeah.

The cross itself is fine. No need for any changes.

If you spot a guild using it in racist context, or using a racist name. Report them. That’s as far as this needs to go.

For the record, I know a bunch of guilds that use that symbol on their tabards without any issues at all, so your suggestion that Blizzard should remove or alter that symbol would negatively affect all of them. That’s not something they should have to deal with because you couldn’t hit the report button.

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More then one person should be able to report a post. OP is clearly trolling. No way is Kirbo that much of a poorly lite lightbulb… nah! He’s trolling!

don’t worry, vikings themselves were slowly being converted into the crusade!

i’m also confused and interested…

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The murders will continue until conformity improves, pretty much.

Puritans, and others, built some boats and headed that way.:point_left:

I’m for that ! just let me make some explosives,brb.

true and most of them become the Varangian Guard

Also, the toothbrush mustache was ruined for everyone, forever.

What a d-bag.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Fair enough.

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Sword Art Online anime Knights of the Blood Oth

I think this person is just a Sword Art Online fan who wanted to look like the anime Guild
Knights of the Blood Oth.


So, just an anime fan.

I wish we could have cool anime guild mogs like those though.


It’s a roleplaying guild. It’s used for, well… roleplaying.

I swear, people take this stuff too seriously these days

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So this is where all the actions been all day. How’d I miss this thread…

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"It’s not bait guys, I swearsies! :wink: "

Krieg Korp is best Korp.

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