This thread is rated as:
A HUGE reach.
This thread is rated as:
A HUGE reach.
Sorry, I thought I made it clear that the hate group itself is the one designing its symbols and stuff after the medieval crusaders. I don’t have much of an opinion about the crusaders themselves, and I think you’ve all plenty of those anyway.
I’m avoiding using the hate group’s name because I don’t want to give them the recognition and because their name is probably banned from being typed on the forums.
But, yeah, this isn’t about medieval crusaders at all. Just about a certain group using their symbology to represent themselves, and about guilds in WoW who are able to easily do the same.
There’s an article linked in the original post (which is hidden) if you’d like to read more about it.
Who cares.
Ahhhh. The days where decay has been labeled as “progression.”
This is racist.
and that
and this
you’re racist
he’s racist
So you don’t know what crusaders or knights templar are…? All tabards are blizzard preset designs. You can’t really create the symbol so you’d really be saying this is blizzard making a hate group design .
You’re really reaching…
There is no God.
this tab looks lit for a knight templar reference
This appears to be some very disingenuous critical theory intended to erode the pillars of western civilization…
The viewpoint is like the Judean Peoples Front from Monty Pythons Life of Brian.
I find this post racist, how about we remove you from the forums and the game.
“Magnus, get the flamer. The heavy flamer.”
Since I’m not cool enough to post pics. Google image search it.
Which isn’t the same. The symbol on that tabard is the Knights Templar symbol.
It should come as no surprise that a cross is one of the symbols of a religious order of Christian warrior monks. This cross, mainly red, represented the knights’ connection to the Church as well as their mission. You would find the cross emblazoned upon the mantle. This symbol was not an ornament until 1147 when Pope Eugenius III approved of it. For the Crusader, the red cross represented martyrdom and reminded them of the sacrifice of Christ.
And you’re also reaching to be offended. It’s specifically the Knights Templar symbol, not a different version someone changed centuries later.
You posted on a forum…
Blizzard won’t see it and there is no issue with it.
This one didn’t. The OP is talking about a different version that isn’t this one.
What evidence do you have that this guild is a hate group? And if it’s a naming violation… REPORT THE NAME. The symbol isn’t the problem.
Oh good, already flagged.
Oh, come on. They just wanted to take back Jerusalem. Solomon’s Temple used to be a thing. Now it’s a mosque where kids play soccer outside.
Champ, calling all US Christians White Supremacists and part of a modern day hate group isn’t exactly being “vague”. Least not where I come from.
Jesus this thread is like a car wreck you can’t stop starring at…
That’s the cross of the Knights Templar. Many countries and religious also use that symbol. This guy is just a clueless troll thinking today was Sunday. Go back to you cave Kirbo.
(Blizzard please allow us to block/ignore trolls and his threads in these forums)
Piss take.
First lay off the CNN. Not every other person you see is an extremist or advocating supremacy. And the cross is not hate speech.