Guild tabard Referencing Hate Group

I feel like I should be surprised that this trainwreck of a thread hasn’t been deleted, but I’m kinda not.


Whatever helps you sleep at night slugger. Don’t worry, I’m sure your “show me your main and we can talk about something completely unrelated to the game” line doesn’t look completely stupid and asinine to somebody out there

yeahhh… lets not name it that


I’m going to participate just enough to rustle your Jimmies, but not enough to give you what you want.

hmmm i see that as crusaders, am from new zealand so maybe see it a bit different to you, i am curious what do you see it as ? Here its a south island rugby team

At first I thought it was a guild tabard hating group, which is reasonable, tabards are just ugly mog bandaids a lot of the time.

I don’t want a thing and never claimed to. You shot your mouth off and said something incredibly asinine and I pointed that out. All of a sudden all you can say is “show me your main”. The fact that you seem to be trying to spin this as you’re just toying with me is just…well i already said it best

The reason why it shouldn’t be deleted is the same reason why people shouldn’t stop teaching about WWll. That we need examples to show the future generation that “You shouldn’t do this!”. Keep it alive so people can grow some brain cells
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it - George Santayana,


Man I feel sorry for anyone trying to role play a crusader after this thread

Oof, man. Sounds rough

Back in my day, when people trolled, they at least tried.


You know what’s even worse? You’re posting on a dwarf. You know, the race that hosts Brewfest every year…that in game holiday based solely on a Germanic holiday. And you know who else celebrated that holiday? An infamous German hate group whos leader made his mark in a beer hall. By your reasoning, you are a representation of a genocidal maniac and his followers and should therefore be banned as well.

See, I can grasp at straws too!


You. . . Are you an elmer imposter? The way you talk. Nothing about bears and sandwiches.

grabs the gnome and shakes him. Elmer is that you?


But where are the bear sandwiches
and the chili fries

me hungry :smiley:


holds out his hands

I got sum straws two! See? HOORAY!

shows off his bendy straws

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Attached to cool refreshing juiceboxes hopefully :smiley:

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hi also! i’ve seen you a few times. are you the same person that would camp vulperas in the horde room? i might be confusing you with another warrior

The crusades ended in 1291, I’m glad someone is taking a stand with the survivors! Oh wait…

Also people have been using + as a symbol ever since cavemen learned to tie sticks together, hopefully no cavemen were opressed by “Crug of the two pointy sticks” that we need to be offended on the behalf of!

Personally the most offensive symbol of all is a single straight line, do you know how many billions of lives, human and animal alike, have been ended by sticks and stick shaped objects?