Guild tabard Referencing Hate Group

Blizzard actually unflagged this bait thread? Astounding lol!


You people really need to stop looking to get offended. I swear its like you only live to get offended and to control others.
There is nothing wrong with that tabard design. My guess is someone in that guild did something to you and this is your revenge.
Just stop it already


Whats funny is that in wow, I liked Kirbo for being funny. So he just stabbed me behind the back for no reason. He should reroll a rogue not a shaman LOL


BRB gonna make a Horde Crusader Guild.

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Deus Vult. May your soul guide your blade!

When I was a little boy I looked up in the sky and the clouds were as follows:
An old man with a cane that was chasing a dog that was chasing a cat that was chasing a duck.

does the guild you’re in do any crusader type of rp :stuck_out_tongue: ?

So you’re trying to create problems for other people out of nothing and you don’t care about the outcome either way. What a selfish jerk.


Wish blizz would hard ban people like the OP. Literally hunting for crap to be upset about. Get a life.

I am usually around Cath district singing salve regina. But with 12 people we would love to rp. but not enough to really do anything XD

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It does sound as though a short and cantankerous bearded man is a mouthy heretic.

Yes it is. No one said it was SOLELY a symbol of hate, but to deny that for millions it is is the pot calling the kettle black.

Awesome. We don’t live there and for our western culture it’s been corrupted.

No what you have is a sense of entitlement to bash anyone with different cultural views as you, which is ironically the accusation you are making. All you have done is give deference to one culture while insulting another.

was lookin for a spot for a paladin to lvl up to go “Deus vult” in one day :stuck_out_tongue:

I understand why the guild named “Make Azeroth Great Again” got abolished in Classic. But they were popular in beta.

So how about instead of asking for removal of certain icons you spend your efforts educating ppl on those icons origins? Instead of just accepting hate groups reappropriation of certain iconography call them out on their misuse. Share their ignorance with others. By just accepting thats what the group wants the symbol to mean now and asking for it’s removal ppl are making it ok.

OP should take a closer look into ADL(the people who seem to be label-happy with symbols lately) and its origins, specifically in the case of a Mary Ann Phagan.

The idea that there is some sort of contagion here, and that everything that even resembled a hate symbol is thus contaminated, is exactly the sort of ideology you think you’re fighting against with this post. The targets are different, but the method of thinking “I don’t like X. Y reminds me of X, therefore Y is bad” is exactly the same. Had you done minimal effort and typed “crusading” into google, this is one of the first clear images of a tabard that will come up:

You targeted an innocent person with a completely unfounded slur. Take a good hard look in the mirrior, you are what you hate.

Not even going to bother with a rando forum alt :heart: Post on your main, and we’ll talk.

What an amateur. You can’t argue with what I said, which by the way has jack all to do with “my main” or the game at all, so you just try to wave me off. Pathetic.

Lots of words coming from some rando :+1: I’m good