Guild tabard Referencing Hate Group

Trolls are gonna troll.


WRONG. Malta is an archipelago. An archipelago is a group of islands. It is not IN Sicily. It is BETWEEN Sicily and North Africa. It is far south of Sicily.

Malta is a nation. Sicily is a nation. You cannot have a nation inside of a nation. There is the island of Malta and also the Maltese islands. Malta is an independent country.

The capital of Malta is Valetta. There flag is red and white with a cross. The capital Sicily is Palermo. Their flag is yellow and red with a woman in the centre. Malta is the main island in the Maltese archipelago. There are 5 main islands that people live on there. Not just one. Malta is almost 500 miles away from Sicily.

Two separate nations, two separate flags, two separate systems of government, two separate flags, not even in the same sea.

Sicily is in the Ionian Sea. Malta is in the Mediterranean Sea.

looks like a cross. if it was a swastika id see the problem but its just like a middle ages cross

and it fits with the transmog

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it takes 1 to ruin it for everyone. with that being said, racists suck.

Talking about medieval and crusaders, now I want to watch Mighty Python and the Holy Grail.


I never said it was.

Sicily is a region within Italy. It is a self-governing region within Italy with its own language. It is a nation within Italy. Other than that Scotland is a nation within a nation. As is the Sioux Nation. Tatarstan is a nation within Russia. I can keep going with these.

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Here’s the thing, a significant portion of, not all as some might say, the Knights Templar were criminals that had their sins forgiven by the church if they fought in the Crusades, and they conducted their battles and war normally for the time period they lived in, ravaging women and murdering innocents was common practice in war during that time period. It is not now. If you do things like that now, you end up in the brig, if you’re lucky.

Judging actions in ancient history by the standards of the present is just plain foolish. Knowing the difference between the values now and then is what history is supposed to teach us. Civilized nations do not condone, indeed even punish severely, such actions now as history has taught us that such things are wrong.

All that being said, the first thing I thought of when I saw the tabard, even after reading the OP’s post was the Knights Templar. OP, grow a thicker skin and stop looking for reasons to be offended.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

That is quite the stretch… looks closer to crusades than anything related to the triple K.

They should not be banned or forced to change…