Guild tabard Referencing Hate Group

Stop calling it Swastika

Swastika is the Hindu one.
Manji is the Japanese one.
Hakenkreuz is the German one.

Each has different meaning.

Westerner keep calling it Swastika because they’re too dumb to spell Hakenkreuz.


It gets annoying having to explain it everytime. My religion existed thousands of year before that party even existed

So…why should we stop using it.

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i wish they would update the tabard system with better colors and the option to remove the symbols entirely , i just wanna have diff color plain t-shirts is this too much to ask like sometimes i dont want a symbol at all ?

One has a circle around it and a flame in the middle. That is the racist one.

That one is not in WoW.

If you want to be such a troll then you should know that many real life shamans used do deal with some of left handed Bokor for which Wikpedia will give you the wrong info for as it is a left handed voodoo priest who believes in purity of the tribe first, followed by purity of the race. And many were practicing shamans as well… which you are.

Dwarves were originally made as a mockery of Semitic people as well in old culture, thousands of years ago. And many real life shamans also claimed themselves to be real life racial purists.

And all of us know that none of that is true right now so quit your trolling.

The Knights Templar even had a Catholic and a Jewish sect known as the Knights Hospitaler which is a black cross sometimes.

I truly do dare you to say that the red cross is racist and on a public forum directed at the Red Cross. See how long it takes for them to slap a lawsuit on you that will bury you in debt for the rest of your days. They have done that. You cannot slander things just to fit your agenda.

The cross known as the Iron Cross is actually the cross of Malta from the Maltese islands. The Teutonic Knights have a black cross on a white background. They went and built schools and hospitals. And were full of Jewish and Catholic members. Google and wiki will tell you other things than what I say but that is the truth.

The group you mentioned does not even like some of the groups that the Templars, Hospitallers, Knights of Malta, Teutonic Knights all protected.

There were multiple types of knights out there who defended those from the group you mentioned here. Star of David has been turned into a hate symbol now. The Germans turned the symbol of Hindu into a hate symbol. Purposefully taking things out of context.

There are people in India who have the swastika tattooed on their foreheads as it is still a symbol of love and hope for the majority of the world. Jews are Semites and many Muslims are too. Your Western history books will not tell you this but there were actually some Muslim templars as well. Assassins Creed video games which I hate and other media say Templars are evil. There are even some famous Muslim Knights Templar who were Faris Knights. The highest rank of a combat seasoned knight was a paladin back then.

Most Knights Templars had black eyes irl anyways. Some even had dark skin as well. So. Stop making things up and saying the world is full of hate in every manor possible when it is not. Moden Masons btw are Templars among the highest ranking. , Knights below that and a paladin or two at the very top irl. There are people of color in the group currently. Even a black African Mason who wears the red cross symbol as he is a real life Templar now. All facts. ZERO hate in these groups now days.

Dont believe an American group that hides behind masks as they are not true Catholics or Christians like they say they are.

Yes it 100% absolutely is. That is why I replied about him but not directly to him.

Most irl Templars had black hair and black or brown eyes. Ironclad has a more realistic looking Templar.

Step away from the fish. The fish is a pet and is not for frying.

Azeroth Pest Control will be rocking cross tabards when I log on today. Thank you OP.

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:((( I’m sorry

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I find it hilarious I just stumbled on this. I know the person who is linked in that image and the transmog they are wearing. I’ve been helping them do Heroic Nathria for their set.

They just want to be a “Templar” for the aesthetic and meme of it. I find it hilarious this is even a thing.


As I said before I don’t believe we should be assuming anything about any guilds, players who use symbols that hate groups use. But there is a reality that specifically white hate groups, people play wow and some try to recruit though the game. I doubt it’s very frequent but it exists. Just reminding people who might have forgotten or didn’t know about ‘the enclave’.

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The Order of Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (The Knights of the Temple, or the Knights Templar) were an order of warrior priests within the Catholic Church. They were never Jewish.

The Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem (The Knights of St John, The Knights Hospitaller or the Knights of Malta) was a different order within the Catholic Church.

The Maltese Cross is the cross of the Order of St John. It has nothing to do with the Teutonic Knights who were, again, a Catholic religious order and didn’t have Jewish members.

Also Malta is an island off Sicily, there is no such thing as the “Maltese islands”.

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I remember reading that post. It wasn’t inflammatory or anything but it doesn’t surprise me with the types that run this game.

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OP should be banned and canceled IRL for playing dwarf cuz they been racist to elves at some point in history in a fantasy setting. Gg bye

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ok i’ll bite… the crusades were a response to 400 years of islamic rape and murder of the western coasts and the mediterainian. this is verrifiable easily as many islamic texts document it from the eastern side. the red cross of flame is the actual klan symbol has been since long before there was an america. yes the group predates the US by about a half century dispite the politicians speaking out their rears… originally it was a local policing group in an area there were few police and none that were not corrupt. and yes the southern democrats are the ones who invaded and changed it to a hate group… again easily proven threw documented evidence both in the FBI and their own propoganda. no that tabbard is NOT the Klan burning cross. and if your offended by the crusades then you really need to look at 3 of the expansions and uninstall the game as they were all veritable crusades.


Yeah no… I don’t watch anime its just being a Templar.

  • I’ve had a book on the encyclopedia about the Templars. And how devout and holy they were. I admired that by making a guild out of it. And invited some friends to share the fun.
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So yeah that’s me. I made the tabard literally just to rp as a Knight Templar to say Deus Vult and have fun. If you are going to target me and 11 PEOPLE in the guild that just came to have fun. I will make sure you regret everything you have said to me and my guildmates.
(side note) if the tabard is so bad, then they should remove the cross. Then blizzard should remove the entire or rework the Castle Nathria set. Because GUESS WHAT? the helmet has a cross on it, So I guess thats racist huh?
(side note 2) This is a guild on MoonGuard . And my guild is pretty damn tame compared to others. There is a guild called that has a rank called Side N***a. and mine is just templar and Chaplin. Go after them that are being ACTUALLY offensive. Don’t come over and USE MY CHARACTER. SO STOP WASTING EVERYONES TIME. Either take down this post or send an apology because you are WASTING MY TIME.
-Gerait-MoonGuard aka Mr. Execute
PS. This is my 1st time ever using the forums. So thank you for making my 1st post acknowledging this stupid post.


Red plus signs are on the “too offensive to even mention what I’m upset about” roster now?

Yeah I did this for the meme. So sorry guys guess we can’t be funny anymore :confused:


I’m not trying to be mean, disrespectful, or offend you yet I feel that someone needs to say this. Only a fool goes looking for trouble where there is no trouble. You are trying to say that what a player is wearing is mimicking a hate group when clearly that is not the case. Either you need to go back to your high school and tell them to give your parents back their money or you need to start learning more history and what people use to wear and why they wore certain symbols. Even that so-called Hate group that you reference they do have a history and meaning behind the symbol they wear. Yet again you are showing yourself to be ignorant and looking for a problem where one does not even exist. Learn to stay in your lane and stop trying to get into others people’s lanes.

Again I don’t mean to disrespect you, be mean, or offend you I just felt that someone really needed to say the truth here and give you a good smack across your head for this one.

you did no wrong
it was the trolls using propaganda too besmirch you’re crusading rights!

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