Guild Services Retiring

gee i didnt see them announce that.

Iā€™m hoping they do before July 22ndā€¦ maybe thatā€™s overly optimistic on my part (because without region-wide everything, the removal of guild services seems pretty awful).

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So letā€™s say I have a guild bank on a dead realm. Letā€™s further say that it contains removed from game, very valuable and rare items I plan to sell someday but on a livelier server.

Does this mean as of next expac I can simply invite a friend of mine from my current realm to my dead realmā€™s guild and have them access the guild bank from there (on a character on another server) to withdraw stuff from the guild bank despite being on another server?

I honestly donā€™t know how guild bank stuff works cross-server and faction so any insight would be great.

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I was under the impression that auction houses are already regional shared. All US severs share the same auction house.

that is only for trade mats. nothing else.

I would say if all your alts are part of a war-band, that cross-realm trading restrictions are pretty easily circumvented.

  1. Warband toon on dead Server A withdraws from guild bank and mails to Warband toon on hopping Server B.

  2. Warband toon on hopping Server B lists ā€œrareā€ item on AH and sells it succesfully.

  3. Profit!

I think because itā€™s so easy to circumvent (if how theyā€™ve described warbands really sticks), that they will be making guilds cross-realm (they are already cross-faction), and more importantly the AH and crafting orders will be region-wide no longer tied to a server.

I could be wrong about that because the devs still seem to cling to the idea of a ā€œbestest crafter with a server repā€ nonsense, so if they hold to their guns on that, the AH will only be ā€œregion-wideā€ for those that want to make an alt on every realm and crafting orders will still be held hostage on low-population realms (I still remember my friends on Duskwood being upset that they were paying 3-5 times what I was paying on Proudmoore for certain crafted equipment and consumables).

I have hope, but it wouldnā€™t surprise me if Blizz screws this up and sticks to their guns on AH and crafting orders staying server-specific instead of being merged to region-wide.

The worst dang thing they did was open up AH across all realms in NA or EUā€¦it just about killed making any money off selling herbs or ores after about 3 months of a new expansion going liveā€¦killed it for many of the battle pets tooā€¦

Bad for sellers (more competition drives prices down), but PHENOMENALLY GOOD for buyers! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Imagine being so negative about everything your life must be miserable. And also, yall wanted one of these services to end and so this is one of them being removed. And now, all of the sudden yall changed your tune like my god make up your mind.

And very bad for players like me that donā€™t buy anything off the AHā€¦if I can acquire it myself I doā€¦the only thing I buy off the AH is hard to acquire battle pets, ones from Heroic or Mystic dungeons or raids that I canā€™t do and I refuse to pay some guild millions to get a try for one.

Even then I have many alts posted all around other realms to search for cheapest pets I am looking for and I was doing that before AH got shared.

Best decision EVER! I like lower prices. :rofl:

They should make it free for you Breado, come to Moonguard :smiling_imp:

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but my post history and tl3.

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Are pets regional? I thought it was only materials and consumables (stuff that stacks). Certainly equipment (mostly for xmog but also purples from current season) are still server-specific (for now, hopefully everything will be region-wide when TWW drops).

Nope they are not hence why I have alts on other realms with gold to buy ones I donā€™t have on my main realm of Cairneā€¦

I read it as Faction meaning cant change from Horde to alliance and alliance to horde since they are going to make guilds be cross realm and cross faction no need for those services anyway

Thank you for the attempt but Iā€™m afraid it still leaves me with the same question.

Iā€™m attempting to understand how guild banks work/will work with the cross-realm/cross-faction situation given the removal of this and as you mention warbands are still in development. We donā€™t know what restrictions theyā€™ll have, they may not allow me to move common quality items with a low ilvl or recipes, etc.

Among other things, I have a couple items in my guild bank which were not BOP when added but since then have become BOP and will bind on the first character to remove them. Hence your solution doesnā€™t really help with those.

If for instance they remove this and guild banks cannot be used by characters from other realms to withdraw items then I have a bunch of things stuck on a dead realm forever and Iā€™m wondering if I shouldnā€™t purchase this before it goes away.

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dead realms wont matter anymore as well with cross realm invites

Economy (AH) on dead realms is still a nuisance, as well as being gouged by crafters that grind early and corner the market, unless entire AH plus crafting orders are also made cross-realm.

In the beta that restriction is gone.

Guilds are no longer tied to a faction at all. So it doesnā€™t matter if the GM is Horde or Alliance

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