Guild Services Retiring

I still prefer GD over story forums, I went there for a short time last year and have never been back since because that place is scary it makes here look calm in comparison.


Beta has 3 servers, 2 regular and the “This goes to 11” so we could probably test it with one person on Khadgar, the other on Alleria, opposing factions. Make a guild, and just try and transfer guild master to the other.

I’ll see if I can get some guildies to test it with me tonight and report back.

I’ve only read a couple threads in SF. I’ve stayed away ever since.

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I was a Story Forum regular from Wrath to WoD and yeah… They were bad… They even made Scrolls of Lore which was just 10x more terrible.

Let me know, but I don’t think beta servers are connected in that way.

Maybe the Blackstone Regulars are on Wyrmrest Accord?

:face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :upside_down_face: :innocent: :skull:

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so transmogs not important?
the auction house is not important?
the only part of the auction house that is cross realm is mats. thats it.

i aint leaving my guild i have personal attachment to it. it is me personified and it contains memories from my old friends.


Then yes, if it’s not connected as some are describing here, you’re stuck where you are which is your choice.

Interesting how these things are not part of the ongoing sale. Still $40 to transfer the guild to the other faction, 35 to realm transfer, 20 to name change.

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almost like they going for maximum profit.


im looking forward to the cross-realm guilds. I can have my horde toons on thrall join my current guild and if there’s some nice piece of gear on the AH there, my understanding is that I can procure if from Thrall’s AH, drop it in the guild bank (or war bank?) and then anyone else in my guild (or war band?) can pick it up and use it.

I am curious to see if the AH’s are going to get merged further, beyond the commodities/trade goods like you say. But I’m guessing maybe not, since this cross-realm guildmate thing is opening up.

Kind of interesting that this wasn’t announced earlier, though


I think we all know why. $$$$$

crap…screwed around and posted on the wrong character again…lol

Mogs, mounts and toys are the only things that really matter in game…maybe achieves if one is into that.

you looking for that stuff here on turalyon?

especially plate transmog.

You asserting Blizz didn’t announce this earlier because they can make more money creating a sense of urgency by mentioning this with a ~30 day notice?

Yeah, could be. I can see that.

its that FOMO thing again. lol
eh…its a business trying to make money. its expected.


But what I really want is the following information:

Are we going to be able to pass guild lead cross faction or cross server?


we must pass lead by Mak’gora, clearly.

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Ooo… maybe this is a sign of exactly what you’re saying about “servers don’t matter anymore” cuz everything’s regional!