Guild Services Retiring

Yeah they NEVER confirmed the date of prepatch but it’s being speculated 23rd now since these services end 22nd and beta now shows prepatch event starts the 30th. Nothing confirmed by blizz yet but these are most peoples’ speculations based on what has been said and shown.

yes we do, if crafting orders are cross-realm, i would very much like to just ask in my current trade chat instead of making an alt and going to another realm…

Oceanic Trade Chat would be worse. Especially before maintenance.

Speak for yourself, not for others.

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Stormrage Trade Chat (Alliance) is already a mess 75% of the time. There’s nothing going on Horde-side usually, there’s a bit of activity right now because of Remix.

They already are. You need to be friends with someone on the opposing faction to invite them to your guild.

What is everyone obsession with “dead realms”. There’s no such thing, everything important now is cross-realm.

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but everyone i spoke to has told me they want a cross-realm trade chat to accommodate cross-realm crafting.

Hard disagree here.

Firstly, Illidan is basically 95:5, so most of what you see is just volume due to number of people.

On lower pop realms finding a crafter can actual be a legit issue, even if it isn’t terrible faction balance.

Even 50/50 isn’t actually bad as it cuts both customers and crafters in half (assuming an even distribution). Your best case is actually 99:1 where you are in the 99% faction.


And? People told me the opposite? Doesn’t mean I have every right to speak for them.

So, speak for yourself, not for others.

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I know cross faction is and consolidated realms (that’s how I’m in my guild on my evoker main)

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A lot of reason to even have a guild have been eroded over the years. I would boldly say the vast majority of guilds are simply banking guilds now days. Just players using them as a means to and end, as extra space to store their junk that they refuse to sell or just delete.

And a guarantee most the junk is totally worthless to keep.

How dare you.

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yes this is why a cross-realm trade chat would be really nice

What happens on horde moonguard?

I was mostly actually talking about the huge chinese spam on Illidan in the trade chat. Unless that is all finally gone now?

Lot of that was boost spam

I used that translator thing on my phone it’s all in the services channel now.

a few friends asked me to communicate this for them on the forums.

Well… not sure I’d go this far. Definitely cross-faction within a realm. If you open it up to the entire population, no one would ever be able to read anything.


Unless they made it to where you can only post once every 5 minutes