Guild Services Retiring

I have to ask you the same question. The article literally says:

“Pre-Patch itself must launch before July 30th. Although we still don’t have an exact date, July 23rd seems likely.”

Which is what the person you initially responded to suggested this Blue thread confirms

you probably wanna re-read the statement i wrote

This thread is lowering the average IQ of the forums.


i linked you an article that shows it will release before july 30 and you’re trying to tell me that im incorrect because the patch will release before july 30?

It is one of the more absurd arguments ive seen…

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Just posting so I can continue following the unneeded drama that’s already most of the posts in this thread since it’s making me lol.


My god, we were asking for a source for proof the prepatch will drop on July 30th.

Original post:

are we talking about the arguing over the date or the other issue that personal guilds on dead realms are basically screwed over by this change.

At this point I dont even think you remember what you were replying to.

The initial post that you jumped on…

Bread, I think (and I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong given how this thread is going)
That all guilds will become cross realm guilds, it’s not an opt in thing it’s just a change they are making to guilds.

So your guild isn’t going to get stuck on a dead realm, it won’t be stuck on any realm.

i know exactly what i was replying to, have a lovely day

With warbands, you can easily transfer items from server to server by shoving them in your warbank and then picking them up on a character on a different server.

Gold as well. Deposit the gold you need into the warbank and a toon on another server can access that gold.

So if you’re on a dead realm and want to buy transmog your realm doesn’t have, you can put the money you need into the warbank, make a toon on Stormrage or some other high pop server, grab the gold from the bank, buy the item, and learn it’s appearance. Or put in the bank for future use by any toon on any server.

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Pot, kettle

You’re embarrassing yourself, bud

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what about mounts and recipes though. transmog was more of an example.

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Yeah, tell someone who has problems with socializing to learn some social skills…

EDIT: Yeah, edit it why don’t you. Already flagged the post FYI!

It should work the same

The date thing, it’s like so pointless but at the same time I think it’s funny because it’s how GD always is.

Im just curious what happens if the event start on the 29th in some time zones and the 30th on others.

the important thing to know is that there is a wowhead article saying the pre-patch event will release on july 30, so we have that settled:

see the quote on the wowhead article

New in The War Within Pre-Patch!
Radiant Echoes
Vanquish foes from Azeroth’s past as memories resurface. Available July 30th!

What country would be still on the 29th if it is the 30th in California?

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