Guild Services Retiring

so did you even read my post?

I guess the question is…

If you can freely transfer gold and easily make a toon on any realm and easily move transmogs between servers…what does it matter if they are connected?


i did, did u read mine? it’s a simple fix if u dont want to be on a dead realm swap realms

here you go

War Within Pre-Patch Launches Before July 30th - Wowhead News


The important word that i think you missed is BEFORE

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you said that you didn’t see anything that stated the pre-patch was going to be released on july 30th, so i linked an article that showed it will release BEFORE july 30…


You do know cross realm guilds are coming right?


And considering hasn’t fully and officially been confirmed by Blizzard as well, take WoWHead with a grain of salt.

Mr GM on Twitter posted a screenshot of the pre patch splash screen showing pre patch event on July 30th

And I STILL havent seen anything that said it was going to be released ON July 30th.

So thanks, I guess.

Are you practicing your lawyering or something? nobody cares.

Says for the event, doesn’t say for the actual prepatch release date.

My god, reading must be hard.

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read the wowhead article

New in The War Within Pre-Patch!
Radiant Echoes
Vanquish foes from Azeroth’s past as memories resurface. Available July 30th!

Yes, you are:

The event. Doesn’t mean the prepatch will exactly release with the event.

guilds won’t be realm locked so it doesn’t matter

so how many people in here are going to not read anything past the first sentence…come on everyone form a line. also since my guild is a personal guild i have zero interest in cross realm guilds.

so you didn’t read the part where i said

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Look at blizzards last date of guild services

It’s before Monday, pretty sure pre patch date is the day after. There’s no need to deny it

Every pre patch event they gave us a week or two to prep before the actual event launches

Yes you are!

Do you not see the “will release BEFORE July 30!”

Well, at least you learned your lesson.