First of all, if Devs can still log into my account to test bugs (had a few issues during BC release), I am more than happy for them to do so. Permission is given… For the Horde!!
Realm: Dath’Remar and Kaz’goroth
Guild: multiple
guild rank: from guild master to peon
access: full access to none at all
Addons installed: all removed for testing (renamed interface folder as interfacebk)
cache folder: renamed as cachebk, for testing
WTF folder: renamed as WTFbk, for testing
single member guilds (bank toon) appear to be unaffected. I have full access to chat, guild roster, guild bank and tabard shows correctly (yes, i created a tabard for my bank toons)
access in my guild “Death to the Alliance” is either very limited or non existent.
-GM has no access to roster, pressing J does nothing, guild tab missing, can see bank contents (are slow to load though) but cant access the contents, guild tabard is shows correctly.
-various members either have no access (tabard shows and guild bank opens with no ability to access items) or partial access (J still doesnt work but can use /G chat and bank works).
toons in social and raiding guilds, Pressing J doesn’t work, past chat seen (some dating back to 16 Jul), guild tab present, bank access is limited due to guild ranking
toons not in any guild, pressing J doesnt work, have guild finder tab at the top and a description of what a guild is. the toons in a guild with limited to no access do not have this and the guild tabard correctly shows
Bug could be related to various guilds member roster and their permissions corruption. Perhaps low member or low traffic guilds were not captured during an update?
no chat access, can see bank tabs but cant use the bank (even for GM), no guild control but tabard shows correctly, Guild and communities is missing guild tab but doesn’t act as if the toon is not in a guild.
Good luck to the Devs, hope they can get this fixed soon.