Yeah which is why it is dumb to use it the way they are using it.
Loot lists are meant for loot council not rolling off gear LUL.
They should just be using SRs but they think they are clever and conned their entire raid into believing their system is not just SRs and not worse than normal SRs.
That’smybis is for LC. Their website even says so. Using a tool for a purpose it is not designed for is not clever when you can just use SRs.
As I understand it its closer to a permanent SR system which is very different from just using a normal SR. It maintains player prios while removing any personal responsibility from LC players on smaller items and allowing big items to be LCd without influence from small item drops.
If I’m understanding it correctly then it sounds infinitely better than SR where roll/drop rng is absolutely king. Personally I still don’t like any system that ever involves a /roll but it definitely isn’t nearly as bad as plain SR runs.
I am confused how you can speak on something you know nothing about lol. The LC does not get the items they want first and the loot list remains the same for the entire phase and is hidden until all submissions are made and once completed it is locked and available for all to see. This is not the same as SR at all. SR is actually a terrible system for a guild to do loot because the lucky few will get everything and be able to keep gathering more and more while the others starve. We have never got a single complaint about our loot system once since we started using it in BWL. Because you are a sub par player who is never rewarded via loot council does not mean they are all bad my friend.
Far better than normal SR. If I prioritize an item at #1 then I will be guaranteed to win it before people who prioritize it lower. In a normal SR system my item could not drop week 1 and I could lose it week 2 to some guy who won 3 items from his SRs in week one. By week 3 I could be at 0 and the other guy at 5 items despite actually seeing the item I prioritized drop while he just happened to get luckier with rolls and drop timing.
You actually do not know how it works at all lmao. Show me where it states the sites intended purpose and tell me how SR is actually better. You sound like a salty scrub.
Bro you dont even play the game you have 6.6k posts on your forum alt because you are scared to show anyone your main. Go troll somewhere else we all know you are dog at the game lmao
MS>OS with some very light “loot council” discussion based on who the upgrade would benefit most. Specifically tanks/healers in consideration first.
Hesitant to call even call it loot council related but it is in the loosest definition. If one tank has a ilvl200 shield and the other has a 213 one then we generally give it to the tank with lower ilvl.
How can I sleep at night knowing a forum troll who hasn’t killed a single HM boss doesn’t approve of my loot system that has had 0 issues from start of classic.