It sounds like you should not be handling loot for your guild.
Jesus you really should not be handling loot for your guild. I also hope you’re not the raid lead, because that is NOT how you kill algalon.
It sounds like you should not be handling loot for your guild.
Jesus you really should not be handling loot for your guild. I also hope you’re not the raid lead, because that is NOT how you kill algalon.
Dont do this. we use LC since classic.
To have this function you need:
Competent LC
Preplaning for each phase (everyone can ask when exactly they will get what item)
A closed roster of people playing.
Never have open discussions about loot, and never have unprepared or incompetent LC.
If you dont know who will get what item before it drops, your LC has no purpose other than a bunch of people that decide who gets what on a whim.
Scrap loot council and bad players.
Use EPGP with a group full of chads. No drama - everyone there knows everyone deserves gear.
Yep. LC is for Karens and Steves. EPGP is for chads.
We only LC trinkets and weapons and leave the rest of the items to a loot list based system using thatsmybis. for the LC items we have the officers all meet every week or every other week and discuss any contested/problematic items. We also lay down solid guidelines of how we handle LC decisions.(eg. Attendance,Performance,attitute ect.) This way will eliminate potential candidates out of the gate and it lets people know why they are not getting it without a big shocker. Spreading the loot out also is ideal and communicating with people to make best decisions helps this. If a player is going to get comets trail first and a bis weapon drops for him/her you can ask do you want prio on this weapon or the trinket? Having a google doc of all contested items with an order of who gets what is also an effective tool so people know who gets what when it drops and can come to terms with it before the raid begins.
We’re doing loot council with my guild and I did it with my previous guild and the drama is little to none.
We’ve had people fill out thatsmybis and as well try to prio loot properly. Our main tanks get funneled loot first and no one complains then we tend to go DPS with the most contested going to good performers and then heals.
Part of your problem is likely that you didn’t take care of the drama earlier. When the guild I’m in was formed there was some loot drama in MC (we used a weird loot system which was basically DKP at the time). We kicked the people who were whining and complaining back then and haven’t tolerated it since. I’m sure that’s part of why things are chill in that department for us now.
if LC is too much you can look into other loot systems (EPGP/DKP/GDKP/even SR). I personally didn’t think /roll is a good system for a guild but surely probably some do that. Especially for people who are so loot driven and will roll on everything. It seems like you want to do that so you don’t have to be responsible but not wanting to be responsible isn’t great leadership.
Feeding the Baron’s from the blood and sweat of the Proletariat has always caused uprisings.
More often than not, the Baron’s do not deserve the rewards ruthlessly snatched from the pockets of the workers.
Bigdave has always given gear to his people.
I am unsure what to make of this lol. I have 2 ilvl200 trinkets still so it cant be that I’m funneling myself items. Our system lets players make their own decisions for most of the loot and can only blame themselves for what items they decide to prio.
We just stopped doing loot council to stop dealing with loot drama. It’s less efficient, for sure, but while we’re doing decent with Hardmodes (half complete in 25, cleared in 10) we’re not pushing server first or anything.
We use ThatsMyBIS for Hardmode items, everyone ranks their top 5, even rankings roll off, else it goes to the person with the top rank in ThatsMyBIS.
Normal mode loot everyone gets 3 SR.
We also gave tier tokens to our 2 main tanks and back-up tank at the start of Ulduar to ensure fast gearing on the most important role in the raid.
rethink your guild policies, get rid of loot council, realize that EVERYONE in your guild should be working towards helping each other not competing with each other. this whole drama is caused by the selfishness of folks.
Tell that to my old guild who funneled the healers and still can’t even do Yogg/Mim Hm. EPGP seems like the most fair. My guild was using TMB with LC on HMs. Needless to say my TMB list was all HM items which they wouldn’t let me switch so I went 3 weeks without a single peice of gear and decided this isn’t it. GDKPs are the wave even though I’m not the biggest fan. Just did one and we full cleared all HMs except Algalon in under 4hrs.
Ya you just have to set ground rules for people and if they want to cry about it they can go somewhere else. Once you set the rules in stone on how gear will be distributed you can then justify it when people try to create loot drama, just point them to the rules established.
Loot is easier with people who aren’t in it for themselves but are just as happy when their guldies get loot but that’s just not always the case.
My guild in Wotlk uses Loot Council for 25m and gives tanks a headstart on gear and then it sort of drops down to an individual need basis, as in how many items an individual has gotten recently, how powerful those items were and how much of an upgrade the drop will be and who it’s bis for.
In 10m it’s a simple need/greed using the in game system.
This system works fine but it’s really the individuals that makes any loot system comfortable, having friendly and thoughtful people makes a massive difference.
TMB or not I’d agree you shouldn’t be able to win more than 2 items over others per raid. Before I quit my guild weeks ago one of the dps literally won 8 peices in 2 days of raiding because it was higher on his tmb or he had more items on his tmb and others barely won anything.
thats our rule… need on what you need for your primary spec, greed on anything else. period. if you oops once, you get called out for it. oops twice you lose the honor of running with us for 2 weeks, oops a third time then its no longer oops and your done.
its worked well for us and everyone helps everyone. we dont charge guildies for crafting or teleports either, from what im hearing thats unusual but thats the way we do it. incentives for following the rules i guess.
If you use a loot list it isn’t your decision. It is ultimately still loot council and you are just pretending it isn’t to make yourself feel better.
If multiple people put their name on the same item it’s up for the Loot Council to decide to who gets it first.
Stop being cucked by loot council.
I am the Leader lmao. If multiple people have an item at same item level prio they roll on it. Trinkets and weapons are the only thing you cannot list and we hard LC. The reason I do not have an upgraded trinket is because it would be stupid to give myself a temp upgrade over someone who will use it more effectively and longer or may not be up for a super big ticket trinket.
So you are just doing SRs then LUL.
Loot list, lul. People are so afraid to just use SRs they use loot lists incorrectly and pretend they know what they are doing.
Bro you are just doing an SR system and calling it a different name.
Get over yourself. You aren’t clever. You are using a round about way to just do SRs.
Then on top of that you LC the items you really want first and I bet the LC team gets them first.
LUL corrupt and bad at using the tools available.
Why do you randomly attack people on here Frossfire? Are you just trying to get a forum vacation or what?
Bighawks posts are fine and his system isn’t SR but even if it was that would be alright. His system sounds fair and thoughtful to me. It also looks to me like he was just answering the OP and you decided you had to chime in for no real reason.
The OP is having a real problem with loot drama and he seems to be looking for help from guild leaders who have actually had guilds without a lot of drama. I doubt you’ve had a good low drama guild that lasted because who would follow someone with such a consistently trash attitude?
SRs change from raid to raid. I’ve never used it but I believe loot list stays the same for the entire tier.
Similar systems that create a very different outcome.