Guild leads, how do you handle the LOOT DRAMA?

Any general tips for minimizing loot drama with loot council?
Naxx phase was fine but this phase is tougher to handle.

We have healers demanding stuff like Scale of Fates as bis. Do healers really need a trinket like this to prog Algalon? It seems like a parse/meter-pad trinket. I think they need mp5 gear on Algalon and DPS need to pump as hard as possible. We have several dps who are happy to flex to heal spec when needed, so I truly don’t understand why core heal players want trinkets like this before core dps are not decked out

A certain dps caster makes all these passive aggressive jokes about Valanyr being his bis. I haven’t even dignified this topic with any air time, yet clearly he is miffed. In what universe would a dps even have a shot at Valanyr before a healer?

Surprisingly the physical dps have been the most chill. They seem to come to agreements among themselves before certain contested items even drop. Minimal complaints on this front (Naxx tier had more drama with the tank wep Last Laugh being DPS DK bis)

We have some female members and it feels like walking a tightrope giving them good loot. We’ve had multiple guys who were good players but a bit lacking in the social department who have gquit over this. Yes we had a guy leave because the women got too much loot, but we have had (this phase) one guy leave because the girl gamer he was white knighting didnt get ENOUGH loot (she stayed in guild) How do you even address this, I thought this game was mainly people in their 30s.

I sometimes dream of a guild where people just /roll. I wonder if any guilds like that have ever existed and been successful? Is there a guild out there that just does /roll who have cleared Algalon 25? I feel like I’m wrangling cats a lot of the time. maybe the stress is getting to me.


That sounds awful. I’ve never actually been a raid leader or guild master, but I can tell you that strong leadership is one of the best ways to stop this kind of thing from happening.

It sounds like you distribute loot with loot council, or something similar? Transparency with your team will go a long way. Be very clear about why people get gear and what your goals are in distributing loot this way. Maybe also consider setting a rule where people need to hold their criticisms of leadership/loot distribution/the raid team during raid time. But also make sure that there’s some specified time when people can be listened to.

If someone is being passive-aggressive in comms, address it on the spot. And it doesn’t need to be serious (at first), you can just joke back at them while also making it clear that DPS do not have priority on the legendary. If it persists and you think this person is being malicious, have a private conversation with them about it.

Also, it is possible that your group is just too immature to pull together and act like a team.

  1. Thatsmybis solves the loot drama.
  2. If a dps is demanding Valanyr - gkick. No reason to deal with these passive aggressive trolls.
  3. If you think that there is a struggle with people not knowing why person A or B gets the loot - lay out your reasoning. It’s ether performance, loyalty, favourite egirl - you name it. But let people know why decisions are made this way beforehand and if they arent ok, just gkick.
  4. Rolling is terrible unless your whole group is parsing 90+ so you know you can trust whoever gets the loot.
  5. If healers and tanks get their loot before dps ( yes I just assumed your egirl is having loot prio since she is a healer) let your dps know that tier pieces on your tanks and healers matter more during progression on bosses like XT, Thorim, Vezax, Mimi, Yogg hard modes.

We use thatsmybis, just started for ulduar. This tool was actually a huge part of where all the drama came from

LC decisions are made on the spot in the same channel with all 25 members listening

We have done most hard modes and progging Algalon now. Clearing him in 10man comfortably now

LUL, every GM goes through this. You just have to put your foot down and tell them how it is.

No, healers don’t need BIS trinkets to prog. They are being difficult for their ego.
No, DPS shouldn’t get Valanyr…ever.

Those are unreasonable asks. If they don’t like it, replace them now and move on. You don’t need loot hogs in your raid.

If I were you I’d use EPGP that way they are responsible for planning their own loot and if they screw up they can’t blame anyone but themselves. It would be because they don’t raid enough or they wasted their Prio on too many pieces of gear.

EPGP is fair and puts more control in raiders hands so you don’t have to LC.

Just make some general rules like 1st BIS trinket goes to DPS, no DPS get Valanyr and be done with it.

If you set up EPGP properly you won’t have to do much besides hand out points when people show up to raid and don’t screw up. You can dock points for them being problems or causing drama.

It is a good system.


We did epgp in vanilla classic and it worked alright. We had some problems with certain people banking huge amounts, even with the decay mechanic it didn’t seem to be strong enough. They would be still in scholomance pieces with Cthun on farm waiting for “item X” to drop

We thought LC would be simpler since we went from 40->25 in tbc. And it’s mostly been alright. I feel like wrath has way more loot drama with Valanyr and Shadowmourne. Healer and caster sharing the same gear added new problems. Glaives and Thoridal were much easier to award

You can change the decay and modify points per piece of loot so the really good items cost more.

EPGP is all about the setup. If you take time to set it up properly, it’s the best system by far.

My guild in classic had a long thread about EPGP setup before the next tier started and everyone agreed on the rules.

You can also reduce points for lower quality gear so it hurts prio less and for offspec.

Don’t listen to know nothings who say you can’t. We setup EPGP in classic so each piece of gear had custom gear points. BIS items cost the most, non-bis cost less, bad items cost even less, and off-spec items where almost free.


All loot rules are the same.

This is rough. I don’t envy the role of leading. you type
I sometimes dream of a guild where people just /roll.
Why not just do that? Maybe though add…SR 2 items. like in TBC classic Kara pug days.
Honestly…people can pick their two best items and be done with it.
People are the biggest ‘boss’ of this expansion. I don’t remember it being that way in WOTLK original. But people realize gear matters, this time around, more so.

You can quit the game as I sort have…but stil read the forums so who knows.
Or you can set a different rule set, have more fun in raids…and profit?

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I think 2 SR with rolling is a great system. It can be unfair though if you have bad luck.

EPGP eliminates luck. That’s the only reason I think it’s better.

For ease of use, 2 SR and rolling the rest MS>OS is a great system and works with PUGs way easier in case you need to PUG a slot one week.

It also forces people to pick the 2 items they want first and SR them.


Tanks and dps should be geared out first. Then healers. Thats the reality if you want to progress through this tier.

And no. val’anyr should never go to a dps, nor should scale of fates ever go to a healer.

If people have items on the same priority then you just roll the item off. Where is the drama coming from?

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Just roll on loot. 2 wins max per raid. It’s not that serious. I don’t understand why people spend so much time figuring out who should get what when after 4 weeks or so, none of that is holding you back from clearing the content.

If you want something a bit more balanced, make a sheet where people can continue to add two reserves every week. if you’re first on the list, you’re getting the item first. If you signed your name second, you get it second; and so on. You could set priority for specific items in the same sheet and only let certain classes sign for it first.

Otherwise, just get used to the drama ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I’m in a loot council guild and I don’t care about who gets what but I really dislike sitting there at the end of a raid for 30 minutes while we figure out who gets what. At the end of the day, we have all put in the same amount of time together and deserve the loot just as much as anyone else. If I had it my way, I’d just hit the need or greed button and be done with it.

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Having well adjusted adults be your raid friends.

My guild moved to a loot list sort of system where loot priority is decided by each person, so there is no drama to deal with, you might want to look into that.


use DKP and just let them fight it out unless it is something that is literately healer DPS or Tank only.

We use plain old DKP with 20% decay per week and we’re one of the only guilds on our server who have lasted the entire Classic journey :person_shrugging: . I think it just comes down to the type of people/environment you tolerate. We would have weeded out that memelord a long time ago.

EDIT: I’ve sat in as a PUG to a couple of LC runs and they were the most cringe experiences ever. Everyone passive aggressively memeing all night about why a particular item should go to them, and of course when something dropped that I could use, all the excuses started coming out about why a guildie should get it over the PUG who did significantly more DPS than them. And even more predictably, the item in question didn’t go to either of us. It ended up going to the guild leader who was also the “lucky” Val’Anyr recipient. I reminded my guild that I loved them after that run.


ChatGPT loot council

Sorry but a LC guild that has to pug people is not gonna work regardless. Ofcourse the guild leader snatches valanyr and then the guild will simply disband afterwards. Thats not the norm. You should never be invited to a LC guild run as a pug lol.

You have to get rid of people that causes drama first, that should clear up things a bit. As a leader, avoid biases and favoritism at all cost and have very specific guild policies and remember that you can’t please everyone.


Presuming you do things for the benefit of the raid, you shouldn’t have a problem telling them why they lost, if they have a problem with that then there’s nothing you can do about it. Rolling items in a 25 man raid of all guildies will be the end of your guild, never ever do that.

There is likely not a single guild in the world that killed algalon25 that rolls items, i would assume that 95% of the algalon kills are lc guilds, generally speaking the lc guilds tend to prog way faster than the non lc